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They were each other’s “meant to be”, but not “forever”
In a world of pretty, beautiful, stunning – she was art. Not meant to please the eyes, but to invoke intense emotions.
Why India does not want any US-Afghanistan peace talks
India wants Americans to continue dying for them in order to advance their and strategic depth vis-à-vis Pakistan.
50 shades of politics: In the end, PTI will be a graveyard of resigned politicians
Aleem was being investigated by NAB even before the elections. But this did not stop PTI from utilising his wealth.
Why Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol is the best love song of the 21st century
It's been 13 years since the song released and yet its appeal runs strong.
The Hidden World is the perfect bow to wrap up the How to Train Your Dragon trilogy
Such metamorphosis of characters and settings make the movie more credible and leads to an altruistic wrap-up.
Does judicial bias really favour women who cover themselves?
After losing her trial in the lower court, Kainat took off her niqab before she went to reappeal at the High Court.
I’m sorry, but I do not blame Shakeela for drowning her baby
Women like Shakeela are psychologically deluded and see death as a peaceful escape, not a tool of harm or punishment.
From APS to Sahiwal: Does Pakistani media have an empathy problem?
Police’s blatant disregard for innocent human life is proportionate to media’s lack of empathy for personal...
Can Hobbs and Shaw live up to Fast and Furious’ hype?
The trailer packs a punch and promises some old school Fast and Furious fun while bringing something new to the table.
No, India, Pakistan cannot and will not be bullied into silence
Kashmiris are shouting to be heard and Pakistan is the most logical state that can help amplify these calls.