Blogs from Maria Kari
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Capital punishment and the cracks in Pakistan's judicial system
Many on the death row will not get a fair day in court, a competent dedicated lawyer or even an unbiased judge or jury
Widowed, divorced, unmarried: Taking cue from Bangladesh’s amended marriage laws
Bangladesh’s small legal linguistic tweak is a paradigm shift.
The Qandeel Baloch story: Using the law of forgiveness as a license to kill
The problem does not rest solely on the shoulders of old and exhausted families like that of Qandeel's.
Priyanka Chopra, a UN celebrity gone rogue
Chopra has proven that she sees her role as a UN Goodwill Ambassador as nothing more than a resume-booster
In trying to humanise the police, Delhi Crime loses focus of Jyoti Singh’s harrowing story
The primary emotion I felt was frustration, as the show does very little justice to Jyoti Singh's story & its impact
Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp: Is the credibility of #MeToo and women survivors under threat?
While Heard is being labelled a 'liar', Depp simply filing a lawsuit does not make his evidence admissible or legit.
#NewZealandShooting: I just want to bow my head and pray in my mosque – freely and without fear
I can’t decide which is sadder: that security checks are now needed or that this is what brings me relief in a...
From slaps and shakedowns to metal rods and death, the evolution of corporal punishment
Parents have senselessly internalised and accepted such aggressive measures of child discipline as a part of childhood
Is Nawaz Sharif trying to prove he is above and beyond the law?
Hitting a trash can when reversing your car is "an accident". Mowing down a child while driving full-speed is murder.
Yes, Mashal Khan's story is a difficult watch, but it’s a necessary watch to keep us from forgetting
BBC isn’t just trying to hit some arbitrary benchmark of increased viewership. This is deliberate and calibrated.