Many on the death row will not get a fair day in court, a competent dedicated lawyer or even an unbiased judge or jury
Bangladesh’s small legal linguistic tweak is a paradigm shift.
The problem does not rest solely on the shoulders of old and exhausted families like that of Qandeel's.
Chopra has proven that she sees her role as a UN Goodwill Ambassador as nothing more than a resume-booster
The primary emotion I felt was frustration, as the show does very little justice to Jyoti Singh's story & its impact
While Heard is being labelled a 'liar', Depp simply filing a lawsuit does not make his evidence admissible or legit.
I can’t decide which is sadder: that security checks are now needed or that this is what brings me relief in a...
Parents have senselessly internalised and accepted such aggressive measures of child discipline as a part of childhood
Hitting a trash can when reversing your car is "an accident". Mowing down a child while driving full-speed is murder.
BBC isn’t just trying to hit some arbitrary benchmark of increased viewership. This is deliberate and calibrated.