Blogs from Noman Ansari
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‘Nobody should be punished for academic work’
Dr Carpentier says researchers will fight until the last breath to protect the right to speak
With friends like Ali Abrar’s, who needs enemies?
This wasn’t his fault alone, as Ali Abrar only gave in to a moment of madness that was created by peer pressure.
Instead of trying to earn cheap gains, Careem should focus on what powered their core business – safety
For the drivers, the single women riding with them weren’t just faceless and sexless clients, but women who needed men
Aamir Sohail’s statement reeked of pettiness and jealousy, and he should learn from the class shown by Virat Kohli
It is a pity how cricketers can transform into angry vomit spewing 'experts’ in a short period after their retirement.
Instead of opposing Uber and Careem, taxi and rickshaw services need to shift up a gear
The same taxis that ran in good condition in my childhood are still running today, with no maintenance in decades.
Imran Khan, the bitter pill we have to swallow to start treating a problem that plagues this country
There is one man who has fought tooth and nail, spent blood and sweat to fight against corruption, and that’s Imran.
Had the United Airlines incident happened in Pakistan, there would have been no justice for Dr David Dao
Was this any way for an airline to behave, attacking a passenger they had wronged? Well, it is in Pakistan.
That time a mental health professional tried to gaslight me
The patient was suicidal and unable to make sound decisions, but Faisal Mamsa couldn't look beyond his own ego.
Why did you read, share, comment and like Daily Pakistan’s story maligning Syeda Ghulam Fatima, Pakistan?
Certain websites are only interested in maximising readership by offering their version of the truth.
No, Imran Khan’s “phateechar” comment was not racist
I was wondering if the country had gone mad when the liberal population began labelling Imran Khan as a racist.