Blogs from Arshad Shaheen
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CM okays Bahawalpur secretariat
Promises South Punjab 35% budget, 32% government jobs
Examinations at Bahawalpur's university postponed due to PM's visit
Postponed exams will be held after the last paper as per the date sheet, says the university administration
Man shoots dead wife over domestic disputes
Suspect confesses to murder during police interrogation
Drones at the science fair
In the sea of all this hopelessness we have been thrown into, there are islands of hope.
In search of clean water
The solution is called solar water disinfection (SODIS) and is recommended by the World Health Organization.
Parents’ role in infusing tolerance
Parents and families can certainly do something. Don’t wait for anyone else.
My friend, the special editor
My friend was a normal boy until the age of five when an illness made him hearing and speech impaired.