Blogs from DaniyalNoorani
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Meet Chota Jatt, the Pakistani superhero
Chota Jatt aims to provide the children of Pakistan with a role model they can relate to.
Yes he Khan, but he may not
Clearly I have double standards. I hold Imran Khan to a much higher standard compared to other leaders.
Jinnah, minorities and cake
Within a few years, there will be no need for the white frosting on the Independence Day cake.
Video blog: Own2feet
If the status quo of the US-Pak relationship is to be challenged, a change in attitudes must occur in both countries.
US rule book: America's precedent for illegal attacks
The US has its own rule book for functioning in the modern world. Only friends of America and America itself are allowed to retaliate by using disproportionate force.
How to fight the Taliban... with Islam
Islamic education has made it more important for a Muslim to know how to offer his prayers than to know what his prayers mean. This ideological gap is where the Taliban come in.