Stories from Vivian J Xavier
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Movie review: Still Alice - losing her mind
Still Alice documents the painful struggle of a woman suffering from Alzheimer’s
Best of 2014: Television
Here are five TV shows that have been a great source of entertainment throughout 2014
Movie review: Interstellar - 20,000 leagues over the sea
The perfect movie may be a myth but Interstellar comes dangerously close
Show review: The knick - knickerbocker glory
Big directors turn their attention to the small screen to create a cutting-edge medical drama
Movie review: Map to the Stars - shooting stars
What doesn’t kill you, will make you famous
Movie review: God’s Pocket - too big for these shoes
Philip Seymour’s acting genius is stifled in his final project.
Movie review: The November Man - a forgotten November
No special agent can save The November Man from the critics.
Movie review: The Railway Man - war-torn
The Railway Man settles an old score
Movie review: Calvary - a holy end
What happens when you are killed for doing nothing wrong