The exhibition, titled 'Part of the Story has not been Told', opened on September 17.
Five artists have their works displayed at the Koel gallery.
He made collages with different artworks of various pop artists and then presented them as triptychs.
Abdoz Arts has taken up the initiative of ‘freeing the walls’.
With life and death as its thematic focus, the artwork by Huma Ali Shah is ripe with emotion.
‘The title can be read as ‘distilled’ or ‘de-stilled’, referring to the stills of the film being painted on...
Black-and-white works of Barbara Klemm and Erich Salomon on display.
Each artist explains her perspective in her own unique way.
Participants were then taken for hepatitis virus screening and given a date for the next test.
In order to preserve beauty, we must photograph it, says photographer.