Stories from Asghar Soomro
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Sindh’s education priorities
Newly-appointed Sindh Education Minister Sardar Shah’s announced he was going to put his daughter in a public school
Menace of land grabbing
Dadu district, is a case in point where land grabbers have been given a carte blanche to encroach upon state land
Why PML-N drags its heels on NFC?
The provinces are capable of undertaking more responsibilities
Emerging political alternatives to PPP in Sindh
Indeed it is a difficult task to defeat the PPP but not impossible
Ignoring girls’ education in Sindh
Opportunities for females to get access to good quality education remain few and far between
Illusion of democracy in Balochistan
Before we congratulate Bizenjo, we must see how many votes he bagged in general elections
Unnecessary crackdown against NGOs
Recently the government has advised 21 INGOs to wrap up their operations without giving them any specific reasons
Clean the system first
After all, the future of our children is at stake
Structural changes for ending malnutrition
Approximately 48 per cent of the children under the age of five years are suffering from stunting in Sindh