Stories from Abbas Rashid
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The quest for good teachers
Its a sad fact that school teacher occupies a place somewhere close to bottom of the pyramid of education structure
The politics of protest & the pursuit of power
Imran needs to stand with democratic forces and not undermine the democratic system.
Zarb-e-Azb: Pakistan’s war and the missing counter-narrative
At the heart of this ambivalence is issue of narrative that informs our understanding of war, identifying the enemy.
Ease up on English… at least up to Grade-3
Punjab government announced that it was reversing decision to introduce English as medium of instruction from Grade-1.
The quality mirage: Teaching English
The real need remains: teachers with better knowledge of the subjects they teach and improved instructional practice.
The OBL Commission report and our dysfunctional system
We have Al Jazeera providing us access to something that our own government should have been able to do.