Stories from Kaiser Bengali
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Tribute to Syed Qaim Ali Shah
Qaim Ali Shah did not allow himself to be ‘complexed’ by his lack of knowledge to deal with fiscal issues
Corruption, criminality and terrorism
The connection between corruption and crime has been seen to be extended to terrorism as well
Privatisation: litany of ironies
Earlier, selling 26% stake in PIA was termed as privatisation; now proposal to sell 26% stake a strategic partnership!
Leveraging a Kashmir solution
General Raheel Sharif’s visit to the US is very significant for Pakistan’s foreign policy and security
Protecting economic sovereignty
Is Pakistan being led down the same path as Greece? It is imperative the dependence on foreign financing is reduced
Case for a contingency plan
The individuals and families who have been airlifted had jobs or businesses in Yemen, which they have left behind
Case for neutrality
Saudi Arabia is a state like any other and is engaged in a power struggle with a rival state
Competing with India
Pakistan will have to accept the fact that it has little weight in the international arena, politically & economically
Wages of neoliberal sins
The brigades that have marched on Islamabad are primarily young, urban and educated — largely from central Punjab.
Dharna politics: View from the provinces
There is not a single non-Punjabi front rank leader in the PML-N, the PTI or the Minhajul Quran.