Several factors suggest that govt is over-optimistic in its estimates with possibly massive shortages ahead
Farmers use poor technology, face inefficient input and output markets, and rely on high-cost informal credit markets
Slower growth in wheat production has made Pakistan increasingly dependent on foreign supplies
In real rupee and dollar terms, the damage is about three times more than during the 2010 floods
There are also several new aspects that make a good assessment of the latest floods more important than in the past
Local and national NGOs have stepped up their work in the field as they did in 2010
Pakistan’s farm economy is dominated by the 7.4 million small holders who cultivate less than 12.5 acres
One way forward is through a movement of labour out of rural areas
Despite several odds, one Pakistani woman makes strides in the high fashion world of Italy
Instead of trying to come together, we strive to destroy each other