Stories from Asifa Idrees
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Mining equality: Thar’s incredible women dumper drivers
Thari women driving amid the dunes, as they work their way to newfound economic independence.
Condemned to fear and shame without a sin
Displaced by the floods, rural women in relief camps grapple with the threat of sexual violence and disease
Malir’s produce basket is becoming empty
A Karachi settlement known for its agricultural production faces the threat of extinction
Resilience in the Indus Delta
A decrease in the mangroves poses a challenge to the sector and to the livelihood of the women earning from it
Sweat, tears and the sea
Dwindling marine life due to pollution has snatched away the livelihood of the Ibrahim Hyderi fishing community
A plea for Manchar lake
Decades of toxic water dumping into Manchar Lake has rendered it too poisonous for fish
A delicacy on the brink
As the population of Palla fish dwindles, so does the livelihood of those who live along river’s bank
Crystal clear shores lost to sludge
Industrial waste as well as animal waste causes contamination in the Rehri Goth fishing village