Blogs from Arwin Rahi
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The rising tensions between Pakistan and the Afghan Taliban
The Taliban did not fight a 20-year insurgency against the US and NATO to become Pakistan’s puppets.
The Durand Line: Separating myth from reality
The Durand Treaty, contrary to what many Afghans allege, did not have any time limit.
When Urdu was the dominant language in Afghanistan
At no time in Afghanistan’s history did Urdu have more influence in the corridors of power in Kabul than in the 1930s
Who does and does not support the Taliban in Afghanistan?
In recent years, the Taliban have also made inroads among non-Pashtun ethnic groups
Why Afghanistan wanted India to be partitioned
It may surprise many what the Afghans thought about partition and the fate of India’s Muslims
The legacy of Sardar Mohammad Ayub Khan – The Victor of Maiwand
The defeat at Maiwand would compel the British to withdraw from Qandahar in 1881
Iqbal in Afghanistan
The love and affection between Iqbal and the Afghans was mutual
Afghanistan and Pakistan’s oft-ignored history – 1947-1978
Pakistan’s founding alleviated the Afghans’ greater concern with regards to security threats from India
Why Afghan refugees were welcomed in Pakistan but not in Iran
In sharp contrast to Iranian society, not only did Pakistani society not look down on Afghans but it welcomed them
Why Afghanistan should leave Pakistani Pashtuns alone
History and facts on the ground, however, call into question Afghanistan’s position on Pakistani Pashtuns