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An open letter to General Pasha
No amount of oppression can keep the people chained; Instead, oppression begets violence and deep turmoil.
Saleem Shahzad’s cell phone record erased
Record of 18 days leading up to journalist’s murder ‘disappears’ from system.
Saleem Shahzad murder: Serving SC judge to head probe
Interior Minister assures formation of an investigation commission.
And then there was no one left to speak out for me
While soldiers honour each other in death and captivity, the poor journalist is degraded and abused by his killers.
Saleem Shahzad murder: Probe commission to be formed soon, says Rehman Malik
Commission to include a member each from the Islamabad police, Punjab police and journalist community.
Silencing Pakistan
Those who seek to change the narrative, can be silenced in Pakistan. The socially liberal will be denied their voice.
A dangerous place for journalists
Journalists view the anti-terror fight as American and feel responsible to uphold Pakistan’s sovereignty at all...
Saleem Shahzad’s murder: The Fourth Estate calls ISI statement into question
Hameed Haroon says he received the same email Shahzad sent to Human Rights Watch representative.
No justice for journalists: Investigations rarely make any headway
After an initial flurry of activity the investigations stall and the case rarely makes it to court.
The courageous many
Were we brave, we would not have lost Saleem Shahzad. Were we brave, Salmaan Taseer’s killer would have been hanged.
Rest in peace, Saleem Shahzad
What endeared him to me was his absolute humility, a trait generally rare and rarer still in our profession.
Journalists demand justice for Saleem Shehzad
The journalist community has demanded the immediate identification and arrest of those responsible for his death.
Shahzad’s murder: ISI comes out with rare denial
Punjab CM forms three-member body to probe journalist’s murder.
Saleem Shahzad Murder: CPNE to hold protest meeting
The meeting will be attended by members of the council and other journalist organisations.
Freedom of the press: Hundreds bury journalist who was tortured to death
Saleem Shahzad had written on links between rogue elements in the navy, al Qaeda.
The price of freedom
The murder of Saleem Shahzad stabs the extremely private prerogative of individual opinion.
Media freedom and strategic doctrine
Shahzad’s life was not more precious than other journalists, but his tragic death can become a symbol of resistance.
The courageous many
Amongst all the bomb blasts, tortured corpses, incompetent forces, no one sees that we are really brave.
ISI faces more heat after journalist's killing
Speculation that the ISI had a hand in the death of a prominent journalist has further discredited the organisation.
Journalist murder: Saleem Shahzad laid to rest in Karachi
Saleem Shahzad buried in Qayyumabad graveyard, Karachi.
Journalist’s Murder: CPNE expresses resentment
CPNE leaders said that the journalist community is suffering from a sense of insecurity.
Who killed Saleem Shahzad?
This incident must not be allowed to become just another number on the list of dead journalists.
Saleem Shahzad: Missing journalist found dead
Saleem Shahzad’s body bore torture marks.