Dr Aamir Liaquat’s show continues…on Twitter

No more fluff, Dr Aamir Liaquat played hardball online: "Ok Bye Bye, O Qadiyanis! keep on burning".

After being hounded by a viral video controversy, it seems our esteemed Dr Aamir Liaquat has decided to take the fight against his good name online, via Twitter.

Needless to say, for some of us, this has been an eye-opening, and somewhat refreshing experience compared to the Doctor's rather lengthy TV series. Welcome to a show far removed from TV, as the brevity of Twitter updates forced the good Doctor to skip his usual elegant mannerisms.

No more fluff, Dr Aamir Liaquat played hardball online, proving that he really knows how to segment and cater to different audiences (and varying levels of accountability).

Late night he ran a one hour ‘Twitter special’ that contained such choice updates as:

Feeling his program was perhaps veering too far, our esteemed Doctor then peddled back a step:

Having established his good nature and intentions, Dr Liaquat carried on:

At this point the good Doctor took a call from journalist and documentary filmmaker Beena Sarwar who remarked:

The good Doctor replied, once again, with surprising brevity:

Not your typical call-in, but hey its Twitter – time and attention spans are short! On with the show. Columnist and activist Marvi Sirmed weighed in:

To which our (shocked) good Doctor replies:

With this, and a few other choice retweets that cannot be pasted here, the late-night show came to an end with a final shout out by Dr Liaquat:

Twitter channel off.

Time to go to sleep in our land of the pure, Pakistan…

The Morning Show

Dr Liaquat, true to morning show form begins by taking a call from Beena Sarwar once again. This time we see less aggression, smiles, platitudes and ye ol' morning show calm:

The chit chat takes a pleasant turn, with Ms Sarwar finding room for sneaking in a request:

The good Doctor takes up the good will and embellishes:

So there we have it folks! The wonders of the media revealed! Something for everybody! Got a little masala in for the late night folks, and got your platitudes in for the morning segment too!

In media/marketing speak I believe this is called: win-win.