Video Blog: Voices from Pakistan

An exploration of Pakistani identity and opinion in light of blasphemy laws and the blockage of websites in Pakistan.

The international media has always shown Pakistani people reacting and protesting on TV screens, with the opinions of these people expressed in minimal headlines, skimmed and forgotten. Behind each of these headlines, are real people, with real issues and perspectives.

This documentary explores the diverse spectrum of perspectives among Pakistanis, up close and personal, detailing the conflicts of opinions between them over various issues, in particular, the Facebook related blasphemy incident (also known as Draw Prophet Muhammad Day) which resulted in Pakistan’s authorities blocking major websites.

The documentary goes beyond just that incident and touches other international issues too that cause reactions within the country.

Voices From Pakistan was actually made for the international audience, especially for the Scary Cow Independent Film Festival, where it also won the Judges Award.
WRITTEN BY: ali kapadia
A filmmaker from San Francisco who swings between art and technology. He tweets @alikapadia

The views expressed by the writer and the reader comments do not necassarily reflect the views and policies of the Express Tribune.

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