The not-so-glamorous job of a reporter

While it may look like a life of glam amidst the who’s who of society, reporting for life and style is a tough job.

It is a tough job, sometimes, for reporters like me. Generally, we need to be in a position where we can remotely or even acutely be in touch with a high-profile person of our area of interest.

If it’s a political reporter, he has to have access to the higher ups in the political arena; sports reporters should be able to interact with sportsmen and a reporter designated to cultural and art fields is bound to be in a capacity to know all the faces of the ‘glam’ entertainment world.

While others might rejoice reading a piece and think it lucky to meet with the who’s who of the industry, for the reporter it’s a tough choice to make and a tough call to take.

Firstly, one has to be very careful with comments and quotes that can be easily misinterpreted and can, in some cases, cost one their life.

Secondly, it’s just not about being one on one; it is certainly more than that. One has to keep in mind the publication they are working for, and therefore, the responsibility that rests with representing it. So, one has to be either politically correct or handle things in a diplomatic manner (when it comes to tougher or sensitive questions).

Thirdly, one has to realise that their first interaction is not always like the next one. Not every interviewee is humble, most tend to be, but it varies from one person to the other. The reporter has to keep in mind that they cannot measure everyone on the same note.

So, personally, while to the readers it might look like a life of glitz and glam amidst the who’s who of society, reporting for life and style is a tough job.

You either take the job or leave it. The call is yours.
WRITTEN BY: saadia qamar

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