We expected better from you, Marvi Memon

You promised change. You stood for principles. And then you joined PML-N. What a disappointment!

Marvi Memon is one of the few politicians I admire. She is one of those rare leaders who are actually seen on the roads protesting for a cause that they care about instead of just arguing on television shows.

Her credentials as a former MNA and the youngest female CEO in Pakistan after launching the county's first satellite tracking fleet management service speak for themselves. But what sets Memon apart is her moral high ground. Not only did she give up her seat in the National Assembly and resign from the PML-Q because she believed it was working with a government wasn’t in the interest of the people of Pakistan but she has continued to stand up for what she think was right.

From her nationalistic stance against drone strikes to her efforts in the floods there is one thing Memon is not and that is lukewarm.

Whether I agreed with Marvi Memon or not I always respected her statements. Here was a smart and intelligent woman who seemed to be more interested in making a difference than in attaining personal political power.

Today she joined the PML-N.


How wrong I was. Today she made an announcement that has disappointed not only me, but many across the country. She announced that she was joining PML-N, when all of her supporters were hoping, wishing, looking forward to her joining PTI.

We expected better from you, Marvi Memon.

Your decision to join the PML-N makes me wonder if there is any hope left in our country’s political scenario. What confuses me is the fact that while it was difficult for you to work with the current government because you believed them to be inefficient, corrupt and a threat to the sovereignty of Pakistan, are you really expecting that your new party will form a government that will be different? You wanted a change – a real change in Pakistan and yet, you decided not to align yourself with a party that is our nation’s only hope? We have tried almost every politician, our votes have gone to waste many times in the past, we have made the wrong decision, put our trust in corrupt leaders, but for the first time in a long time things look different – and you decided to play it safe. You chose a party that would get you a "confirmed" seat in government rather than take a risk with a party that has captured the hearts of your supporters.

I know you had differences with Imran Khan recently, but being the smart politician you are, I did not expect you to join PML-N because you always talked about bringing a change.

Is this your course to bringing the big change? Going from PML-Q to PML-N? All you did was change a letter of the alphabet.

Everybody in our country has always complained about lack of leaders who truly love Pakistan, who want to rule, not for personal glory or gain, but out of genuine love for the country.

I am sorry Marvi, Nawaz isn’t that leader. Imran Khan is.
WRITTEN BY: madiha s
A business graduate who enjoys literature and arts.

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