100-day plan
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Bhootani calls 100-day plan a mistake
MNA says two years are needed to review govt performance
It’s raining men
Analysts, opposition members and the public at large, are all gearing up to assess PTI's performance
100 Day Plan: PM to take nation into confidence
Prime minister would speak about making bureaucracy to effectively serve people
Words and deeds
It would be wise to advise the ministers to talk less about superficial measures
100-day plan: PTI govt lags behind in meeting some targets
Fails to frame job creation strategy; provinces have yet to allocate resources for tribal areas
The 100 days mantra
As things stand it could go either way for the PTI government
CM Punjab vows to implement 100-day plan
Says his government would introduce a comprehensive and long-lasting policy to eradicate poverty
Saad Rafique terms PTI's 100-day plan as pack of lies
PTI unveiled its 100-day plan in a function at a local hotel