The seven-member court unanimously ruled in favour of Pakistan’s application seeking a stay order on construction of the Kishanganga Hydroelectric Project (KHEP).
Under the order, India will not be allowed to make “any permanent works on or above the Kishanganga/Neelum riverbed at the Gurez site that may inhibit the restoration of the flow of the river to its natural channel.”
Pakistan has contended that the Kishanganga Dam – named after the tributary of the Jhelum River – violates the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty signed by India and Pakistan to allocate the use of the Indus river system.
The ruling is a surprising reversal of an August 25 decision by the panel that had decided against issuing a stay order. On that occasion, infighting within Pakistan’s legal and diplomatic team had caused them to present what the court had then described as an unconvincing argument.
While not an endorsement of Pakistan’s stance on the dam building controversy, the stay order grants one of Islamabad’s most important requests: that India’s construction activities be halted. Crucially, from the Pakistani perspective, no such order has been issued to Pakistan, which is building a dam three times bigger, known as the Neelum-Jhelum Hydroelectric Project (NHJEP).
This order is absolutely critical for one reason: the court is likely to determine which of the two projects – KHEP or NHJEP – should be allowed to proceed based on one criteria above most others: which dam is closer to completion.
The Indian dam was scheduled for completion in 2014, whereas the Pakistani dam is not scheduled to be finished until 2016. The stay order, however, completely changes those timelines, particularly since it affects only the Indian dam and not the Pakistani one.
This methodology is known as the ‘priority rights method’ and is derived from the Indus Water Treaty itself. It is considered unusual in international law and had been deemed by many Pakistani experts as almost fatally weakening Pakistan’s case, since India has completed about 40% of the construction on the Kinshanganga Dam.
It is unclear, however, whether the stay order improves Pakistan’s chances of winning the overall case against the Indian dam.
On May 17, 2010, Pakistan had initiated proceedings against India at the Court of Arbitration under Article IX and Annexure G of the Indus Waters Treaty.
India had expected Pakistan to seek a stay order in January 2011 and was surprised when Pakistani officials failed to do so. Indian newspapers described Pakistan’s delay as an ‘unexpected reprieve’ for New Delhi.
The new stay order comes with an enforcement mechanism: Pakistan and India will arrange for joint inspections of the dam site in India to ensure that the Court’s orders are followed.
India had planned to generate about 300 megawatts of electricity from the dam, a project that is now likely to be put into jeopardy.
The seven-member Court of Arbitration is based in The Hague, in the Netherlands. It is chaired by Judge Stephen M. Schwebel (United States), former President of the International Court of Justice. The other members of the Court are Sir Franklin Berman (United Kingdom), Professor Howard S. Wheater (United Kingdom), Professor Lucius Caflisch (Switzerland), Professor Jan Paulsson (Sweden), Judge Bruno Simma (Germany), and Judge Peter Tomka (Slovakia).
Published in The Express Tribune, September 25th, 2011.
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Let us respect the judgement.No gloating is required. I hope we will show similar faith if and when a court verdict is not in our favour.
@Tahir: how does it matter. This dam is already built.
And today, they retract their own statements? Nation misled on Kishanganga ‘victory’ http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=9118&Cat=13
India wants to starve Pakistan's agricultural economy.
@Luqman Khan:
"here is a clear stop works order on any permanent structure and works that would allow a permanent diversion "
Yes, that is the key sentence. India is not planning any permanent for permanent diversion. So, as far as India is concerned, nothing much changes since the current diversion tunnels are temporary in nature.
This ET report does not tell the true story on the ICA rulings. All that the court has said is that the flow of water cannot be permanently changed by India. This was mainly in reference to India's temporary diversion of the flow through diversion tunnels that have been constructed as part of the process of building the dam. The court has approved this temporary tunnel diversion to enable building of coffer dams. But once the dam construction is over, the court wants India to stop the flow through the diversion tunnels even though the water still gets back on the natural path of the river. There is no injunction against India completing the dam and harvesting electricity.
"It just takes one F-16 to undo a 100 Indian Projects."
And there you have the Pakistani mentality - always destruction, never creation.
@Organization of Pure Profit: It takes one drone to undo Pakistan's Nukes.
It just takes one F-16 to undo a 100 Indian Projects. That's not a problem. What are the Pakistani Engineers doing, just get Chinese to work on the Pakistani Project, get it done, ASAP! Supply us cheap energy so our businesses grow.
from what I have been reading it is the diversion with some design aspects of the dam that have been challenged and there is a clear stop works order on any permanent structure and works that would allow a permanent diversion (having read both Indian and Pakistani reports). So how is this presenting the facts in a myriad of ways. It's an excellent decision for Pakistan and an achievement so let's not trivialise it with such statements just because we're not dam engineers and don't know what coffer dams are. And where are all those who claimed that the Court had already announced its decision!! An apology is due from them to the nation for misleading us and the team working on this matter for trying to defame and demoralise it.
Vienna,25-09-2011 Here I am an Indian monitoring events from far away welcoming the court decision. We welcome the decision. We may not go for an appeal now at this stage when Pakistan is sinking with the Jhelum floods not Kishan or Lalkishan Ganga floods carrying roses floated at the river´s origin! We are there celebrating with you the court decision. Taravadu Taranga Trust for Media Monitoring TTTMM India --kulamarva Balakrishna
how funny......the court didnt stay the work and ruled out any such possibility.....so India is going to continue its work and diverting the flow of river, even the excavation of river bed is allowed....so I dont really see relevance of title of the report........
Surprising how the same facts can be presented in a myriad different ways by publicising only select facts!
See http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/article2484518.ece?homepage=true
and read through to the end.
Hence proved : The international community believes in justice and is neutral in PAK vs OTHER countries cases
The problem is with people of PAK and its leadership which cant stop throwing their own ills on international community. We cant stop crying crocodile tears. If this same court ruled in favor of INDIA it would be PAK media throwing trash all around and crying like a kid with their typical "conspiracy" mantra and all that anti Israel USA bashing.
Time for PAK nation to act maturely
its an stay order and allows India to carry on with the project on its own risk. in case India completes project before formal decision by ICA then any thing coming out of ICA is irrelevant. why? because ICA dont ask for structure to be demolished but only stops further work. and ICA is also known for slow processing. moreover ICA has shown bias before also, when the application was rejected at first, without considering it.
Thank God for once we managed to stand up for ourselves succesfully !!!
Indeed rare congratz...but look at Indians they are busy in making dams for their own people...its a victory as well as lesson to be learnt... Start building DAMS Pakistan
It is highly unlikely that Pakistan will take this chance into its favor due to incompetency, corruption and inefficient bureaucracy.
Congo pakistan. Where is the party?
Hmm, then the floods in Pakistan this month and the last were a blatant lie? I dont understand.
They say the rivers in Sindh are over flowing, but at the same time that there is no water.
India should no violate the IWT at any cost. But, there are dozens of Hydro-electric projects that India is working on, of which Kishanganga is the biggest one, which must be continued.
Ignore my previous comment for the old story. The new report is now correct.
This NEWS is only in Pak news papers, please google it and see, I think this is blowout news with little substance, it may ask for suspend the work rather than stop it.
ET is sensationalizing the title and news abstract without the facts
First it is permanent court of arbitration .
Second, there is no directive to stop construction on Indian side.
Third. The site visit by the arbitration body was conducted and press release was issued on June 22,2011. The proceedings are still ongoing. There are no directives.
Please correct the error, and state the error in the story with correction.
Journalism is the fourth estate and it still has an important role to play in this commercial world. Credibility once lost is hard to recover.
Haha, another example of how the Pak media either willfully or ignorantly manipulates the news to a gullible Pakistani public.
In this case, the case hasn't been decided yet folks. India is confident of a ruling in its favour. The ICA has just said that any work that India undertakes pending its decision would be at its own risk, and so it'd be better to stop the work temporarily while they arrive at their decision. The way it's being presented to the Pak public, it's as if India has been permanently denied the right to construct this dam. This is far from the truth.
so now what water levels will go up for Pakistan.
Where are the Indians now?
How come there is no mention of this in the Indian newspapers?! If I were a Pakistani, I wouldn't hold my breath. These so-called 'tribunals' are just sleepy heads who do an "eenie meenie miney mo" to make up their minds.
Bogus story it appears. A week back it was reported that ICJ decision was a setback to Pakistan. http://www.dawn.com/2011/09/19/comment-and-analysis-setback-in-the-water-dispute.html
This is indeed good news. But will India comply with the ruling of the International Court. I think not. We have so antagonized India in the past that I do not think they will comply. We supported terrorist activity in India for the past twenty years. We have been responsible for the 1965, 1971 and Kargil wars. I will not be surprised if the ISI might have connections with the attacks on Mumbai or the Indian Parliament. Do you really think we can expect India to comply with the court. What powers does the court have. What country will support us in forcing India to comply.
I expect many of you will hate me and I appologise if I offend you. We Pakistanis are overflowing with righteous indignation. But if you really love your country and want to help it, we need to free ourselves from our false pride and fragile egos. We are be paying heavily for our past foolishness.
Right is might , Alhamdulillah.
India will never learn. Very bad.
well i think the court did the right thing,if Pakistanis are so skeptical of India's intentions,then India should first convince the Pakistanis that its not stealing any water.i mean after all we share the water and rivers don't belong to any one country,they don't know any borders.
Unlikely to happen in the end. It is a standard practice and the issue has been exhaustively researched in international legal circles. PAK should separate domestic political issues from international affairs. If only she has done that she would have been elsewhere globally,
Waiting for the Indians' responses...
I dont think India will respect the judgement. However, good decision.
electricity crisis will be resolved now haha!
Can't wait to hear the response of the Indians on ET that are obsessed with Pakistan.
This only proves that the Mush govt did not care about this issue. If it were left to Mush, this project would be complete and Pakistan would not even react. Going to International organizations also proves that the world boy is not Pakistani enemy. In fact they are fair and impartial. In a similar way, if Pakistan is right then let us invite the UN observers to prove that Pakistani army has nothing to do with Haqqani group and Pakistan has nothing to hide.
This ban is ineffective. India has already completed this project and make available water for Pak at her own will. Late decision costing us River jhelum water.... Sigh
Does India care? Both Inida and Pakistan are lawless countries.India has more resources to appeal. It would take another other 50 plus years to implement the orders, by that time the game will be different.
Talks or arbitration are the only two options to get your rights.
Good :)