British PM lauds Pakistan's policies for a peaceful region

Nawaz highlights Islamabad’s key role and sacrifices in the fight against terrorism

APP September 24, 2015

LONDON: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday reiterated Pakistan’s desire to have good relations with all neighbouring countries.

In a meeting with Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron in London, Premier Nawaz also highlighted Pakistan's important role and sacrifices in the fight against terrorism.

According to the statement released by Pakistan’s High Commission in London, the British prime minister welcomed Pakistan's policies for a peaceful neighbourhood and appreciated Pakistan's role in the fight against militancy and terrorism.

Prime Minister Nawaz stopped by in London on Wednesday on his way to New York to attend the 70th session of the UN General Assembly. He was received by his British counterpart at 10 Downing Street during the brief stopover.

“During the meeting held in a friendly and cordial atmosphere, the two leaders expressed satisfaction on the overall trajectory of bilateral relations between Pakistan and the United Kingdom, and discussed ways to further strengthen cooperation in various areas of mutual interest,” the statement released by Pakistan’s High Commission said.

Read: London talks: Nawaz, Cameron discuss Middle East situation

Premier Nawaz pointed out that Pakistan and the UK enjoyed close and cordial relations in diverse fields, including trade, commerce, education, security and defence. He also highlighted that the presence of a large Pakistani diaspora in the UK acted as a bridge between the two countries.

The two leaders also exchanged views on issues of global and regional importance, including the situation in Afghanistan.

Prime Minister Nawaz was accompanied by his special assistant on foreign affairs Tariq Fatemi in the meeting. Cameron was assisted by his own national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 24th, 2015.



Timorlane | 8 years ago | Reply OK he has met the British PM already. Now what would he do in the next 6 days in UK before going to US for the speech??
Napier Man | 8 years ago | Reply Very ambiguous official statement with no real clarity.
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