Billions owed to PEPCO

Express April 28, 2010

LAHORE: DG PEPCO Mohammad Khalid said on Wednesday that the provincial governments and FATA have to pay billions of rupees to PEPCO.

He also hinted that the power tariff will not be raised. The DG PEPCO was talking to the media in Lahore.

Meanwhile, the Sindh Government has issued a notification for the closure of shops by eight pm and has called for its strict enforcement by police officials.

The notification excluded railway stations, airports, restaurants, petrol pumps and hospitals. According to the notification, those found in violation, will be dealt with strictly under law.

Meanwhile, the imposition of section 144 has been extended for another month in Punjab to ensure that shops and marriage halls close at eight and ten pm, respectively.


Syed A. Mateen | 14 years ago | Reply Why PEPCO did at the first instance gave so much leniency to Provincial Governments and FATA? When an ordinary citizen does not pay his electricity bill, his electricity connection is cut off. The consumer cannot get his electricity restored unless electricity consumer clears the entire outstanding amount. Is PEPCO going to lodge FIR’s against its defaulters, similar to what KESC is doing in Karachi?
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