Criticism against army is unacceptable: PM Nawaz

Nawaz says Zardari's statements will only strengthen elements who want to destabilise Pakistan

Web Desk June 17, 2015

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday censured former President Asif Ali Zardari for his tirade against the army, saying the PPP co-chairman's speech was unacceptable in times of war. 

Read: PPP co-chairman fires broadside at establishment

“Criticising the army will only strengthen elements who want to destabilise Pakistan," said the PM, adding that it was crucial that all parties support the army at a time when it is fighting a war against militants.

“The army and soldiers are fighting Operation Zarb-e-Azb and the entire nation supports them,” he said.

Holding a consultative meeting at the PM House to discuss Zardari's statements, the PM said, “Criticism against the armed forces is unacceptable."

Clarifying earlier reports that Zardari had invited the premier for lunch, PPP Senator Farhatullah Babar said, "Zardari and Nawaz will not meet today."

Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali had already slammed the PPP co-chairman’s speech, calling them ‘inappropriate and insulting’.

“He (Zardari) has tried to cover up his party’s shortcomings and weaknesses by targeting a national institution,” Nisar said in a statement hours after Zardari’s angry tirade.

Nisar said the PPP leader’s criticism of the security establishment was ‘uncalled for’ and it came at a time when army soldiers were sacrificing their lives for the country’s survival.  “This style of politics is dangerous as well as condemnable,” he added.

Read: Nisar calls Zardari’s speech ‘insulting’

Earlier on Tuesday, Zardari said that politicians were better suited to running the affairs of the country. “You are here for only three years,” he said in an apparent jab at the army chief.

Addressing an oath-taking ceremony for PPP office-bearers from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Zardari said, “I know the art of war better than anyone else.”


Professor | 8 years ago | Reply @Azam Khan: Ask the Babar, Ghauris and Ghaznis about what brutality is. Maybe we'll talk then. For more recent events check out the Islamic State Muslims. You'll get an idea. How do you think Kashmir became Muslim majority? India's recorded history in Kashmir spans 5000 years. Do the math.
Azam Khan | 8 years ago | Reply @devindersingh: Then speak up against the blood stained hands of PM Modi and the judges who cleared him. Speak up against the judges decision on the Barbri Masjid and Advani. The Indian army's atrocities in Kashmir. The killing of innocent Kashmiri civillians. Devindersingh you'll be hacked to death within no time if you speak up.
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