Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage Pervaiz Rashid on Tuesday said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan has always started crying about rigging whenever he has apprehended his defeat in an election. The minister, in a statement, said it was the PTI chief’s jealousy which had drowned him.
“Imran has a problem with development,” Rashid said.
Earlier on Tuesday, Imran Khan termed Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s visit to Gilgit-Baltistan ‘pre-poll rigging’, adding that an announcement of development package by the prime minister ahead of the polls is a political gimmick.
Imran also alleged that the premier, as part of his ‘rigging plans’, appointed a federal minister as governor and election commissioner who are both PML-N loyalists, as is the caretaker government in the northern territory.
“So far Nawaz Sharif has not been able to rise above cronyism and use of money to buy influence,” Imran wrote on the mini-blogging website Twitter.
“This brazen pre poll rigging is absolutely unacceptable. PML-N must learn essentials of democracy beginning with fair & free elections,” he added.
Published in The Express Tribune, April 15th, 2015.
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