Traders refuse to close shop

Agha Hamza/express April 23, 2010

KARACHI: Traders refused to close their businesses at 8pm in Karachi and Lahore on Friday evening and demanded that the government should extend the time to 10pm.

Retailers and traders were given warnings to close shop by the police but no arrests were made. Traders said that owing to hot weather their peak hours start around 6-7pm and closing their businesses at 8pm would destroy their livelihood.

The heads of various trader associations said they will not follow the orders of the government and requested a revision of the imposed time of closure.

Earlier, Lahore DCO Sajjad Bhutta had ordered action against traders if found violating the government orders of market closure by 8pm.

During a meeting between the traders and the district government today traders rejected the proposal saying businesses are already suffering losses. Supporting their stance MPAs suggested the district government to give a time limit for the implementation of the closure.

Meanwhile a traders's group belonging to PML-N has accepted the government proposal.


Muhammad Navid A Soomro | 14 years ago | Reply Dear All Fellows, Every body thinks and got experience according to work. it not a easy to understand all rountine workers problems who are work in double shift in different sectors, some students work in shop part time... it means government will also un-employeement increasing........ because of some stupids Ideas, be beggar from China about electricity.. shame to be Pakistan loosers.. Spirits, Honesty, every is finished Cloths, Foods, Vegetables, everything is very expensive how afford people these condition about 8 pm closing shops.... Just Think how's possible suicides and everything will increase families walk and picnic all and every things will close... after effects of this stupid decision. I will say that I am Naveed & I am Not such type Pakistani
SHAHID ALI | 14 years ago | Reply I am totally disagree with sayed matten and omar qader. it is not the mater of shutting down the shops or challanging the govt writ. it is the matter of negligence of govt which did not give attention and did not keep in mind the need of energy. Electricity, now a days the main factor or circulation system of our life. it is effecting all aspect of our life i leave the names on you, think and count, from slum dogs to even president and prime minister of pakistan. instead high rank people are living galaxies but there reputation is on the track of destruction. it is going to be a revolution like creation of pakistan inshallah. the day is coming. all will see, all will see, .....
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