Sources in the PM House told The Express Tribune the premier had principally decided to remove Sarwar owing to multiple reasons but particularly because of recent statement by Sarwar on the government's failure to secure Obama's visit to Pakistan.
Sarwar had censured the Foreign Office for US President Barack Obama visiting India and not Pakistan and termed it a "failure" on part of the country's foreign policy.
"I sent my resignation to the President House and PM House last night," Sarwar confirmed while speaking to Express News.
"I will address a press conference at 2pm today to share further details."
Sarwar was reportedly eyeing the foreign minister's post. However, according to sources, the prime minister had refused to accept his request.
Meanwhile, Sarwar posted the message below on his official Facebook page.
“I decided a while back that I want to resign because I was not being able to deliver what I wanted to the masses,” Sarwar said while addressing the media.
Elaborating on his decision, Sarwar said, “I also told Rana Sanaullah that I want to resign from my post.”
Denying earlier reports that the prime minister sought an explanation from him over his statements, Sarwar said, “No one asked me for an explanation nor asked me for a resignation.”
“I resigned of my own accord,” he asserted.
“It was my dream to serve Pakistanis and am thankful to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for giving me this opportunity.”
“I can serve Pakistan better out of office,” he added.
Further, Sarwar clarified he has no differences with the Sharif brothers.
“I have no objection to Obama’s India visit but he should have treated Pakistan equally and visited to express solidarity," he said, clarifying his earlier statement regarding the US president visiting India but not Pakistan.
Later in the day, on a summary initiated by the Cabinet Division, the President Mamnoon Hussain has accepted the resignation of governor Punjab on the advice of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
Sarwar, a former British MP, gave up his British nationality to serve Pakistan on the invitation of Sharif brothers.
Through his diplomatic efforts, Sarwar succeeded in getting GSP Plus status for the country.
Last year in October, it was reported Sarwar had decided to play a more active role in Pakistani politics from the PML-N platform. “Sarwar will resign as Punjab governor and assume responsibilities in the centre in a few days,” a person privy to the development had confided subject to anonymity.

RELATED POST: Punjab governor Chaudhry Sarwar decides to resign

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We Salute to Ch Sarwar on his brave act. May be Scotland need him back and he should go there and leave the most corrupt system of Pakistan where no honest and dedicated person can thrive.
I was surprised that you, Mr Sarwar, accepted this offer in the first place. How could you be so naive as not to know about the Sharifs ill -gotten money and their greed for power. Too little too late my dear. Batter still you should have resigned after the Model Town massacre by the Punjab Police. Blaming just the qabza mafia for your resignation is an affront to those who were murdered in Model Town.
@Adnan Siddiqi: we also dont want pmln to go elsewhere, plz punish these peoples
Sharif brothers are puppet in the hands of other people. Honest and humble people like Ch Sarwar was unfit in the corrupt politics of Pakistan. I think It was mistake of ch Sarwar to leave Scotland politics and come to Pakistan.
@H Chaudhry: Brother... I hope you in the best of health and your car is full of petrol. I'm actually agreeing with you. Umpire should not do anything. Nawaz should continue till 2018 so everyone can see how incompetent he really is.
The petrol crises has totally exposed the myth that pmln had the most experienced economic team, as pmln themselves claimed.
Now we see pmln ministers fighting like little kids blaming each other, while mian sahib was enjoying a few days in murre.
Mian sahib is an expert in creating a full blown crises out of a regular problem that anyone with a basic understanding and skill of management and governance would have solved as a matter of routine.
The longer he continues the more he exposes himself.
Even kh Asif is now extending the deadline for resolving the loadshedding issue. Initially shahbaz said it was 6 months. I'm also eagerly awaiting the bullet train mian sahib promised us. Funnily, we don't hear much about progress of that in the press or from pmln. I'm sure they are keeping it for a surprise!
By the way, another query.... If pmln have such great street power, where was it when the 99 coup happened? Or when mian sahib was coming back from his self imposed exile (earlier then agreed) and was not allowed to disembark? Hardly anyone protested then or stood up for mian sahib then. Why?
The only street power pmln has is thugs and goondas like we saw in Faisalabad. And no one is scared of them anymore. The leader of pmln street power, Mr gullu butt has already been jailed.
ET, please publish....don't make me write it all out again on my crappy phone :)
@Waqar Ahmed: When was he chancellor?????????
As PMLN supporter sad to see him go! Regardless Governorship is not exactly a power point. I hope he stays in PMLN and NS uses him in personal advisor role, where he should have been in first place. @Uza Try removing Nawaz and see the backlash this time! I am serious. Enough is enough, we voted him and now we will protect him. If you want a complete riot and chaos and break the country yet again, try converting majority in to minority again! But to be rationale, no NS is NOT GOING any where and No one can take him out. Even after 1999 coup, he had his vote bank and now a PM. There are many many people who love him and vote for him and quite frankly, military aka Umpire has also seen reality of other choices. They are happy with NS. Forget about him leaving before 2018. @Salman my dear misguided brother, no this time it wont be like past. The Umpire is more cognizant with world affairs and know the importance of an elected government. Because of ill timed agitation by Imran, Umpire took what it needed from Nawaz in return of Nawaz satying in power for his time that he won in elections. That umpire does not need an idiot like Imran, so no nothing will happen. 2018 remember it, its easy, 2018 is next chance for Imran.
Sarwar has made himself a great leader by his resignation. We need people of character like him. Stay in politics and help people of Pakistam to rekimdle their conscience. Sharifs in collaboration with extremists are destroying country. They are destined to gallows because of their persistent follies. I wish Pirzada followed him too.
@gUL kHAN: I'd say there's a tie between Zardari and Nawaz gangs as they both excel in corruption and all sorts of other crimes
@Adnan Siddiqi: You're right. One has to be corrupt and criminal to be part of this corrupt incompetent government of thugs and criminals. So he was never part of this gang for sure.
No person of honesty, integrity and self respect can get along with these thugs
Now that Mr Sarwar has had his pound of flesh he can go back to England and enjoy his pension from MI6
He should have done more due diligence before joining as governor. He doesn't come across knieve enough not to have known before hand what he was getting into. Governorship of punjab was a much bigger deal then an MP in some far away land.
I will ask the queen to return his British citizenship back to him. Don't u worry ji
Did not he know that there is a difference between business and public service. Also that Governor is nothing but a representative of the federal government (a continuation of the viceregal system). SO what public service he is taking about? My understanding is that he became Governor for the glamor of the office and of the residence. Please do not fool us around by using the words like "our people" and "public service."All you wanted was to be another Amir Muhammad Khan of the province. Alas! things have changed since his reign. So relax, return to UK and leave the people alone.
Can the former Governor Punjab get back his British citizenship, once relinquished? Could someone who knows, please answer. Thank you.
It was a BIG failure of Nawaz league government, who couldnot give responsibilities to a RIGHT man, who was willing to work for Pakistan, I think Nawaz league government needs only dummy like saddar and they want no body interrupt in their LOTT MAR. This is the main motive. Good LUCK Governor Punjab, I hope you would be happy as you were not part of Corrupt government
First he said due to PTI and PAT and now he is saying because Obama didn't visit Pakistan. Tell me what has a provincial governor got to do with all this ? If people would have taken Javed Hashmi seriously they would have known he was right all along.
a brave man! The system is so corrupt that one man can't change it irrespective of his socio-political position. The world is for Mir Sadiqs. There is no place for the pupils of Tipu Sultan in this world.
The poor masses in this damned system are like orphans. Who will own them?
@Adnan Siddiqi: Where did you learn this from that he is disliked in the UM. In fact he is very well known for his outspoken and opinianated nature even against his own party's govt and was one of the worst critics of Tony Blair during his premiership days.
Respect all the way... please do this nation a big favor, disclose names and wrongdoings of the people you referred to as Mafia who were stronger than the Governor, you can't just pack your bags and leave, you owe this to the nation.
Loved and Respected the way Governor Punjab resigned. I respect him more NOW than when he was my Chancellor :) All the best respected Muhammad Sarwar
There are a few good men still who are apparently honorable enough to submit resignation on principles; not like Khadim e Aala even after a terrible law and order situation in Punjab, with load and loads of terrorists in its wings has not come out even to accept the responsibility let alone resign. The other one was the sitting minister letting the King know which country is to be blamed for Pakistan's terrorism problem, Saudi Arabia. Time has come for Riaz to tender resignation and move out of the Chaudhrahat of PML N
This is classical politics of Bollywood style movies. You object and you have to go silently. But I'll respect him when opens up a bit more. Currently, he seems to be grateful to people who gave him the opportunity to serve. Didn't the very people stopped him from functioning in gis full capacity? Why so grateful then! I'll never understand these politicians especially when it comes to the beloved Pakistan. This is not gonna change anything. PTI people grtting excited for nothing.
@Muhammad Tariq: Choudry sarwar was one of most popular and highly respected Pakistani politician in UK.
The present regime is more corrupt & ethically and morally so low than Zardari Government Sharif's problems are that they do not trust no one as we still do not have Foreign or Justice Ministers..Choudry Sarwar achieved almost mission impossible when he succeeded in getting GSP Plus status for the country. I genuinely believe it will tragedy for our Country if he return to UK.....I hope he joins PTI.
@Adnan Siddiqi: I told you to keep taking your medication until you feel better!
Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar has sit the example for other office beares
Pakistan should follow India's example of employing most competent people for top jobs and giving them a free hand. Indian foreign secy was fired a day back and more competent junior was appointed in her place. Pakistan foreign affairs ministry has been suffering for many decades since the policies are being dictated by those who have no experience in this field, orientated for self gains, lacking pragmatism and as well as directionless. These ill-conceived policies have lowered the credibility of the country leading to international isolation and confrontation with neighbours. The appointment of dynamic foreign minister and abandoning policy of using terrorism against neighbours will bring the country back on rails as well as improve the lot of its own people.
@Adnan Siddiqi: You seem to be more upset than NS himself. Dont need to prove your loyalty to the king. Many others, like Daniyal Aziz, Talal Chaudhry, Marvi Memon and other 35 N league 'loyalists', who previously were part of the 'dictator's government, are doing a fine job of defending the king.
OK. Sharif dynasty is the best thing ever that happened to Pakistan, after Zardari. Happy?
Meanwhile Nawaz family is scrambling and searching from the Nawaz Family Database to select the ideal candidate for the governor post.
If only NS would did the same it would already show that Pakistan is bound to progress.
Respect to you Sarwar sahab!. I wish these bloodsucking politicians had a similar stance on their massive failures and leave Pakistan alone.
Better late than never.........he comes across as a straight forward person with the courage to do right...........qualities that our system of government abhors.
@Khan (United Kingdom): He gave up his English Citizenship for these Sharifs. To come and "run" Punjab. Should have known, Shahbaz is Co- Emperor of Punjab.
A quintessential "Troll" and sheep herd Logic: When Chaudhry Sarwar was governor, he was a "Darbari" and corrupt "Patwari" of NS and PML-N. Now all of a sudden he has turned into the most righteous and pious person.
Keep dreaming bro....that Umpire ain't lifting his finger.
If PTI can induct a jaali Phd holder like Babar Awan who was not even deemed "fit" to be part of PPP by none other than Zardari, Chaudhry Sarwar would be considered a saint in PTI.
MR Sarwar has been a controversial character. He is not respected that well in Britain too. It is good for Pakistan that this character is away.
The press conference of Governor of Punjab is over. He did not took any questions from media, but whatever he spoke was 100% truth.
We lost the services of a very sincere Pakistani who relinquish his British Nationality to serve Pakistan, but he could not coup up with the corrupt system of the country where people do not speak the truth.
He went off from Governor House, Lahore, but his last speech explaining the reasons of resigning will be written in golden words in the history of Pakistan.
He was feeling uneasy in the company of Shareefs for the last few months... a good and timely decision
Attention PTI....He can be a very valuable addition to the party....PTI needs honest people like him...IK should consider this...
@Adnan Siddiqi: Actually, given pmln track record in federal govt, there is more probability they will go then not. I mean, they've never managed to finish their previous terms. I fear if they carry on like like this it'll end the same way.
*Who can work with the most corrupt contingent of world. Ch.Sarwar being an honest and patriot has done according to his conscious. *
Better to resign than to be fired... Honorable approach as oppose to other politicians clinging on to power (Petroleum Minister, Sindh Governor & PTI MPAs in KPK)
I'm Just curious weather he really gave up his Birtish nationality!! If he comes back to UK means he was lying to whole nation.
I knew it from the very first day when he took charge as Governor of Punjab that sooner or later, one day, he will resign.
My assumptions were based on his background. He has spent most of his life in UK and in developed countries holding public office is very different than holding a office in Asian Countries.
He has also foregone his British Nationality to serve Pakistan but alas, he has to resign.
Let's see what he has to say more in the press conference scheduled to be held today at 14:00 hrs.
if you are working in MNS regime, how dare you can diagree or point out any anamoly......
In parliamentary democracy, a governor is just a figurehead and representative of the federation who is supposed to be only "Seen" and not "Heard." Chaudhry Sarwar was mistaking himself for a governor of some state of USA.
Good riddance! His departure was imminent ever since his role was unearthed under the aegis of "London Plan."
To all the haters and pessimists - PML-N ain't going anywhere. Characters such as this governor come and go. He never was part of PML-N.
A man with conscious can not go along with silly autocratic mentality so call leader named Nawaz Sharif. NS loves sycophants. NS has lost the good daring upright friend.
“Sarwar will resign as Punjab governor and assume responsibilities in the centre in a few days,”
Make him the Minister of Foreign Affairs, please!
I believe, Mr. Sarwar did not belong there, given the rulers possess undisclosed offshore family ownership, given the Model town incident, given the rigging facts. It is good, he left the con men group. Recently, I have heard few of their party members finally blaming the government for their recent failures. It looks like more people are going to resign from PMLN. And, may be speak up the truth about the corruption of this party members & rulers.
PML N is falling like pack of cards, they can not even stabilize issues in there party what are they going to do about the country.look at all the crisis we have faced since this roshan Pakistan government has come to power, people have started to remember nawaz's big brother zardari due to there incompetency..first it was zulfikar khosa who uncovered them and now this hand picked gentlemen of there's..
Anyone who dares to say anything against the 'family' government is forced to resign. Way to go democracy!
An honourable gesture from a honourable man.
Mr Sarwar made an error of judgement about the Sharif run hypocrisy. He should return to Scotland where he is much respected.
No respectable person can work with the family outfit called PML N