15 fresh starts for 2015

Science has proven that those who make resolutions for a new year almost always end up forgetting about them

Aamir Khan December 31, 2014
15 fresh starts for 2015

Believe it or not, science has proven that those who make resolutions for a new year almost always end up forgetting about them. Try as you might, it is close to impossible to stick to the same plan for an entire year and most of us have given up on the concept of resolutions altogether.

But that does not mean we cannot start anew on January 1st! Since resolutions have become so last year, why not begin the coming year by making small changes to some of the trivial things which affect our lives? Give your 2015 a fresh start by making the following changes in your lives. They are small, cheap and best of all, easy to abide by!

1- Clean out your car — It may be your most prized possession but you have to treat your car like one to make us believe you! Give your ride some much needed loving and throw out the empty wrappers, old CDs and half-full water bottles we all tend to leave there. If you want to go all out, change your seat covers or have your car fully serviced from a nearby mechanic but be sure you have it sorted before the New Year.

2- Organise your hard-drive — Thousands of folders containing old documents, pictures, music and snippets of shows and movies you have long forgotten about don’t do you any good, even if they are just on your laptop. Not only do they take up space on your memory card, they also make your desktop appear cluttered and confusing so why not get organised? Start by going through all the folders and deleting anything you don’t wish to store any longer. Once you have shortlisted the material that has to be saved, sort it into proper folders made for the different types of files and name every folder accordingly. This will save you lots of time when you have to go through your hard-drive next. It will also speed up your computer.

3- Update your resume — It doesn’t matter if you are currently job-hunting or not, your resume should always be well presented, up to date and arranged in a chronological order. Take out a few minutes from your day and update it, adding the new skills, experiences and achievements you have acquired during the previous year. It is advisable to take extra care when updating your name and contact information so that there is no delay in case an employer wishes to speak with you.

4- Try something new with your appearance — Don’t worry, we are all hesitant to change our appearance lest it go wrong. But times change and with them fade current trends. The red lipstick you bought earlier this year, for example, has been replaced by deep maroon, burgundy and wine colours for the winter. So while trends are changing, why shouldn’t you? The new year is the perfect opportunity to try something new with yourself, be it a different hair cut or colour or even a whole new wardrobe. You will be surprised by how far a small change will go when it comes to hair, in particular.

5- Re-evaluate the relationships in your life — There is a meme doing the rounds on Instagram and Facebook these days which says “If we’re not on good terms by December 31st, you’re getting left in 2014” and we couldn’t agree more. One should welcome the new year with excitement and positivity but a negative person will never let you do that. Therefore, the New Year is the best time for you to reassess your rapport with all those you know and decide whether or not you wish to know them in the future too. Trust us, you will be much happier once you have ostracised all negative people from your surroundings. And for those who are lucky enough to stay with you, try to enhance your relationship with them even further by vowing to be more understanding and caring towards them.

6- Modify your health and fitness regime — If you don’t have a fitness regime in mind, get one! It is imperative for you to take the best care of yourself, which includes a healthy, balanced diet and a stringent workout. If you are already on track with a routine, perhaps a small change to it can spice it up.

7- Sort out your finances — While this may be the last thing you want to do, especially during this festive time of the year, we recommend you go over your bank statements sometime soon.  One should be aware of their current financial standing at all times, lest they overspend. Reviewing your finances will also highlight any extra, avoidable payments which might be coming out of your account, such as utility services you did not sign up for. Don’t leave your finances tied up in unnecessary things — you might need them later.

8- Clean out the closets — The cabinets and closets in your kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms are testament to how organised you are. Unfortunately, most of us forget this. We end up storing things we no longer need, buying new ones and only adding to the clutter in our living space. Admit it, everyone has that one makeup palette which expired last year but hasn’t been thrown out. Or that sweet-smelling soap you were coaxed into buying but never used. Now is the time to dispose off everything you don’t need. You will not only have more space but you can also buy new products you have been longing for.

9- Clean your fridge — Next time you think your refrigerator isn’t big enough, think again! There is probably a lot of canned food or old stuff lying in its depths, along with some expired sauces and pastes. Wipe out all this unnecessary junk and revive your refrigerator.

10- Set a broad goal and work towards it — There is always joy in trying something different and learning from it. This year, set a big goal for yourself, such as re-decorating the house or learning how to cook and make sure you get it done. Don’t worry about the time — you don’t have to start immediately. Take small steps, one at a time. If you are re-decorating, go for the smaller items first, like pillow cases. If cooking is your objective then start by cutting vegetables. Whatever your goal may be, keep working your way up towards it.

11- Pick at least one bad habit and vow to eradicate it — We don’t mean to say that you need a personality makeover but that everyone has some faulty points that can be worked upon. Once again, start with one small change, such as sleeping more or avoiding food close to bedtime. All you have to do is take the first, baby step.

12- Update your social media — In today’s technology-driven world, it is virtually impossible to find someone without a social media account.  With more than half of the world’s population being online, it is surprising that most of us forget to update our profiles or privacy settings regularly. We advise you to look into the privacy settings you had set when you first made your accounts, as there may be some unwanted people viewing your personal data. You should also sort out your friends’ lists and manage what can be viewed on your profile. Update your qualifications, work experiences and everything else the website asks for and let people know more about your personality.

13- Drink more water — Everyone knows that water is important for us but how many of us drink the recommended eight glasses per day? Starting 2015, promise yourself you will consume more water to keep yourself healthy and happy.

14- Know thy neighbour — It is unfortunate how most of us have become so busy with our lives that we have forgotten those we live with. Spending time with your neighbours will make you aware of your surroundings and allow you to meet new people. After all, you never know when you might need their assistance in the middle of the night!

15- Smile more — A simple smile can go a long way to cheering you up. It not only relieves stress and makes one look attractive but science has proven that it also boosts your immune system! This year, vow to smile more and be happy and content, no matter what life throws your way.

Published in The Express Tribune, Ms T, December 28th, 2014.


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