Qadri expected to return to the country on Thursday

PAT chief demands resignation of Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif

Ali Usman November 19, 2014
Qadri expected to return to the country on Thursday

LAHORE: Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri is expected to return Pakistan on Thursday morning after a trip to US, Canada and UK.

Dr Qadri will set off from London on Wednesday and is expected to reach Lahore at around 7am on Thursday after a short stop-over in Doha, PAT officials told The Express Tribune.

“Dr Qadri left for a trip to USA, Canada and the UK on October 28, and held meetings with different people and called on oversees Pakistanis,” the PAT media adviser added. “His tour has been successful in reorganising the party overseas.”

The PAT chief, according to the media adviser, will visit Data Darbar before heading to his Model Town residence. He is not expecting any other public engagements on Thursday.

Shahbaz must resign

In a separate statement, Dr Qadri has reiterated his demand for the resignation of Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif.

Dr Qadri added that he does not have any faith in the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) formed by the Punjab government to investigate the Model Town clashes, and that he will not appear before it.

The PAT chief said that the team will only be accepted if it has members from the ISI and MI, and no member from the Punjab government.

He claimed the rulers were guilty, which is why they are not making the previous report of the judicial commission that investigated the Model Town incident public.

No conflict with Imran

The PAT chief said there is no conflict between Imran Khan and his party nor are their directions different.

He added that both were fighting a war against status quo culture.


Raj - USA | 9 years ago | Reply

Any country with some sense would not allow Qadri to do what he has been doing in Pakistan for more than one year. But in Pakistan even the proverb "fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me" does not hold true. In any other country Qadri would have been charged with hijacking when he held up Emirates Airlines plane with over 200 passengers. But in Pakistan anyone who calls himself an authority on Islam, doing research on Islam or has written a few books on Islam, is considered God. Even if he is holding citizenship of Canada and Pakistan, he can be arrested and charged as a citizen of Pakistan if he enters Pakistan and clears immigration on a Pakistani passport. If he wants to enter Pakistan on a Canadian passport, his visa may be denied. It is that simple but Pakistanis keep on tolerating this person incites his followers by his calls for "Blood for Blood, Head for Head, Eye for Eye" and on those lines. Imran Khan is different. He is the leader of a major political party. But, to treat Qadri the same as Imran Khan is utter foolishness. In any other country, even Imran Khan would have been behind bars long ago, but it is not possible in Pakistan because he has the support of army and the advantage of facing an inefficient and corrupt government. For all his Islamic credentials, Qadri himself disclosed in Pakistani TV channels that when he applied for citizenship of Saudi Arabia, he was refused. That is when he chose to become a Canadian citizen.

Hedgefunder | 9 years ago | Reply

@Ahmad: Could not agree more with you.

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