City police chief Ghulam Qadir Thebo claims that police have made a major breakthrough in the cases of the ongoing spree of target killings by arresting two notorious target killers. He disclosed the arrests at a press conference at the Central Police Office on Tuesday. In his address, Thebo said that Kashif Ali Khan, alias Kala, an alleged target killer associated with a political party, was arrested during snap checking near Saleem Centre by New Karachi police. He said that the accused had admitted his involvement in nine cases of target killings in which 13 people belonging to various political parties and a policeman lost their lives in District Central and West. Thebo also disclosed the arrest of a member of a banned sectarian outfit, Obaid Ali, from near Nagan Chowrangi. He said that the accused had admitted to have killed at least eleven people in seven cases of target killings, adding that all the victims belonged to the Shia community.
Published in The Express Tribune, September 24th, 2014.
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