Bahawalpur Saddar Station House Officer Malik Iqbal told newsmen that two unidentified men had snatched a motorbike and Rs5,300 from one Muhammad Ameen near Hootwala late at night. He said upon being informed about it, police set up pickets in the area.
He said a police team spotted two men on a motorbike near Gaman Shah Road. He said the men turned towards Noorpur when they saw the police team. He said Derawar SHO was informed on wireless that the men were heading towards his picket. Iqbal said the motorbike was spotted near Zakheera Mor and several police teams started to follow them.
When the police tried to stop them, the men shot at them. He said in retaliatory fire, one of the robbers was killed while the other fled. Complainant Muhammad Ameen identified the man.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 7th,2014.
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