Two girls schools blown up

Sro Kalay was a hotbed of militant activities till it was cleared by security forces in a recent military operation.

Our Correspondent June 28, 2014
Two girls schools blown up


Two primary schools for girls along with a tube well were blown up by unidentified militants in Shno Ghundai area bordering Mohmand Agency and Shabqadar, Charsadda, police said on Saturday.

Sro Kalay police official Wilayat Khan confirmed Girls Primary School, Malik Habibullah in Shabqadar and Girls Primary School, Malik Jazeel Khan in Ekka Ghund area of Lower Mohmand Agency were destroyed along with a tube well late Friday night.

Situated in the border area of Mohmand Agency, Charsadda and Peshawar, Sro Kalay was a hotbed of militant activities till it was cleared by security forces in a recent military operation.

Both schools fall in the purview of the education department of Mohmand Agency where more than 110 schools have been blown up in the past six years.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 29th, 2014.


Zaida | 10 years ago | Reply

At least build new madrassas in their place.

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