On Thursday, the court ordered to execute Jamshed Dasti’s notice through the National Assembly secretariat and other candidates, Anwaar Karim and Taj Rasool, through the sessions judge and Muzaffargarh district police officer (DPO).
Meanwhile, former minister Abdul Qayoom Jatoi and his lawyer failed to appear in a corruption case on Thursday and the court adjourned the hearing until Friday. Anti-corruption special judge heard a corruption case against Jatoi involving the embezzlement of Rs1,800,000 in the construction of Sardar Koday Lal Hall and summoned the former minister to present his case on Friday.
On the other hand, the membership of NA legislator Deewan Ashiq Bokhari has been challenged in the Multan LHC bench. The court sought a reply from lawmakers in this regard within 15 days.
Ghulam Akbar Lang submitted an application stating that Bokhari had contested the NA-153 polls and presented a BA degree from Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai University, Sindh but he actually belonged to a wealthy family in Multan. “Instead of getting a degree from Lahore or Multan, he got his degree from Sindh which raises suspicions,” Akbar said.
Published in The Express Tribune, October 30th, 2010.
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