Peace talks: PTI appeals for an ‘immediate ceasefire’

Says talks for peace in Pakistan are ‘in serious jeopardy because of a lack of a ceasefire’.

Our Correspondent February 19, 2014
PTI chief Imran Khan. PHOTO: INP


The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has condemned the murder of 23 Frontier Corps soldiers who were kidnapped in 2010.

According to a statement issued by the party’s core committee, talks for peace in Pakistan are ‘in serious jeopardy because of a lack of a ceasefire’ – such a decision ‘should have been the first concrete step in the dialogue’, the committee stated.

The party added that the unabated attacks on civilians and security personnel have stalled the peace process, saying ‘dialogue can proceed only when the killing and violence stop and there is a condemnation of acts of violence and the perpetrators’.

The PTI reiterated its belief in negotiations as decided upon by the APC, but added that ‘we cannot ignore the death of innocent people’.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 19th, 2014.


Wali | 10 years ago | Reply

PTI and Imran Khan can not bring themselves to accept that the talks/negotiations will not work and it is high time for the long overdue action.

MAD | 10 years ago | Reply

There is no man more sincere to Pakistan than Imran Khan and yes I admire his perseverance to stick towards a peaceful; resolution but now it has become apparent that the TTP for the moment is playing games with Pakistan. This is no longer the time for talks. A few well placed strikes needed from our armed forces to well sort of dent the TTP before we talk of negotiations now. ANd before our left wing friends from the ANP/ PPP/ MQM start talking gibberish do keep in mind that their parties too did nothing when in power and that the decision regarding operations lies solely in the hands of a man called Nawaz Sharif our elected Prime Minister and no one else.

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