Meeting in Birmingham: NA speaker terms expatriates an asset

Ayaz Sadiq urges Pakistani diaspora to use formal channels for home remittances.

Our Correspondent October 16, 2013
Ayaz Sadiq urges Pakistani diaspora to use formal channels for home remittances.


Speaker, National Assembly, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq has urged the overseas Pakistanis to send home remittances through legal channels.

The present government gives expatriates a meaningful role in the nation building process, Sadiq said in a statement issued by National Assembly Secretariat on Tuesday. He was talking to a group of overseas Pakistanis in Birmingham on his official visit to the United Kingdom, the statement said.

“Overseas Pakistanis are our asset,” the Speaker said about the vital source of foreign exchange.

Pakistanis working abroad sent home $13.92 billion in the fiscal year 2012-13, the highest ever, he remarked.

In the first quarter of the current financial year of 2013-14 home remittances soared to $2.637 billion against $2.463 billion in July-September 2012-13.

“Overseas Pakistanis are Pakistan’s valuable asset and we will address their issues on priority,” Sadiq said.

More than 6.7 million Pakistanis are living abroad and sending home foreign exchange worth billions of dollars, he said.

He hoped that expatriates will play their role in the economic development of Pakistan.

Lauding the role of Pakistani diaspora, he said Pakistanis living in the United States, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and various countries of the Middle East had the largest share in home remittances.

He urged the business community in the UK to divert investment to their country and play an effective role in the development of Pakistan.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 16th, 2013.


Humza | 10 years ago | Reply

@John the Baptist: Maybe you should also take a deeper look into the figures and ask yourself why over a million Pakistanis in the UK contribute less than does the community in the US who is hardly a tenth of the size. Let's ignore those people settled in Europe who are mostly asylum seekers and live on social assistance or at the poverty level doing labour work. The stark reality is that most UK Pakistanis live in ethnic ghettos on social assistance or doing menial work. They don't have money to send to Pakistan or invest. We all have relatives in the UK and visit there often. Also most UK Pakistanis like most UK migrants are largely excluded from social life and are poorly integrated. That has been identified as a troubling issue for decades which explains the crime, violence, extremism, dysfunctional families and many other social problems they face. Don't get mad at the messenger for pointing out the obvious: Namely UK Pakistanis should focus on fixing their own society and selves because they cannot be expected to help fix Pakistan. The main point I have is that Pakistani governments should stop thinking that the Pakistani diaspora is somehow going to fix Pakistan when the government should work to find a local Pakistani solution with Pakistani citizens to fix issues. The fact that the minister is terming the community in Birmingham an " asset" only shows he has no idea of how Asians in Birmingham live!

John the Baptist | 10 years ago | Reply @Humza: Sorry to poke holes in your "deep" intellectual analysis, the "ghetto dwellers" seem to be sending just as much money as their "well settled" US brethren (who are actually living a hellish existence in an increasing racist country, unless they are pretend Conservative Republicans, going to church on Sunday). And that does not include the "worthless" refugees in Europe and other non-Middle Eastern countries. I assume you can at least read a chart and do simple math, can't you? Just scroll up, review the data! Most of the Sheikh lovers you claim as "true assets" will want to come back because they will NEVER be given citizenship by their "caring" Umma brothers, not because they want will want to. And when they come back, they will arrive marinated in a lethal mix of values based on exploitative capitalism and/or corrosive/repulsive social norms. We have seen the trend develop since Bhutto sent the army of idlers to the ME in the 70's--most came back with their TVs wrapped in plastic and their brains wrapped in warped religiosity!
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