India notified Pakistan on Tuesday of the imminent execution and asked for higher security out of fear of demonstrations or possible reprisals.
Kasab admitted to being a member of Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba.
"We did ask for precautionary measures in terms of protecting our diplomats in Pakistan. We sent a missive to that effect," Indian Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid told foreign journalists late Wednesday after the execution.
An Indian foreign ministry spokesman confirmed on Thursday that the demand had been made as "there was a need for extra security".
Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, 25, was hanged at a prison in western India after being convicted of "waging war on India" for his role in the three-day assault on India's commercial capital that left 166 people dead.
Kasab, a former labourer and small-time criminal, was the only survivor out of 10 heavily-armed gunmen who laid siege to the city in what was intended as a suicide mission.
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@hammad: "this whole area is secure by army official ,police,rangers and private security gards ,and they do have there own personal security"
More secure than GHQ? Mehran base? Abbotabad?
@hammad: The same way our Nuclear Installations were attacked some time back?? http://dawn.com/2012/08/16/militants-attack-pakistani-airbase-at-kamra/
Always its better to be safe than sorry.. !!
@hammad: Remember what your terrorists did inside GHQ.
@Nitish: leave it bro.............they are shameless........right from the government to a common citizen all r shameless........yeah i agree that we should simply stop giving them medical aid but then we have heart ....and when we c crying pakistani citizens desperately looking for medical help since their so called talented doctors who graduate from worst universities in the world raise their hands in air,our heart melts and we stand by "aman ki asha"..............
@hammad: not just our media the entire world does that coz there's nothing good to show about pakistan...........ur own media shows stuff that are shocking........ok tell me a single positive news u can think for pakistan??? any ?? no..........dont live in denial...accept facts grow up!! ur pakistan gdp growth is lesser than bangladesh........bangladesh will cross u soon and u will be left in denial mode...lol
@hammad: hahaha..........after death of american embassy in libya its tough to believe the safety in pakistan.........libya has far less extremists than pakistan and also u dont hear of a daily blast there....as it is intelligence failure is something very common in pakistan(remember osama )hehehehe.........who knows when a guy wearing a suicide belt walks upto the embassy.....we dont care if u care for ur fellow citizens but for god sake provide them with extra security....plz..u r a failed nation.............
@PakPrince: pakistan karachi orangi is the largest slum in the world in area and population in the world and also more percentage of pakistan urban population lives in slum than any except bangladesh in south asia....hahaha.........i can only laugh at u when u guys talk of slums...hahaha...the best part is there is no reconstruction scheme there.......continue living in ur filthy cities with no transportation and die someday in a blast.....lolololol
@PakPrince: Have some shame!!!Bring back your artist from Mumbai.They r unnecessary burden .Also ban medical tourism.Atleast 4000 patient from pakistan got treatment last yr in india.Treatment was absolutely free of cost.Why we should waste our money on you?Have you any answer for that?Without any prior knowledge ,you started putting your stupid rant.Just stop it.
its better we close down our consulates in pakistan....then pakistan will do thesame and that will be the biggest boon for us......i feel pity for our embassies who live world's most insecure and filthiest cities with zero infra.......they cant even make a call because of cellphone bans..........
Never mind Taliban dont attack their God Fathers
@khalsa: you are completely wrong, the statement u made, , Reason is your media ,which shows you,what they want to ,, nobody is perfect in this world , all countries have good and bad image ,, you should focus on ur own country ,, we don know about india very well , but we dont wana waste time to show ur bad image ,,so Peace
sory about my bad English language its not even my 3th 4th language ,,i hope i made my point clear
@PakPrince: yeah maybe...........but see even a slum guy has a laptop........and his life is safe there......unlike in pakistan where at any moment ...BOOM!!.......also karachi has the largest slum in world after crossing slum in mexico......adios...lol
believe it or not , all embassy are safe and very secure in Pakistan , i have visited almost every embassy in ISB , these Indians just trying to make drama on media , every embassy has a very big area ,even Indian high commission has cow in embassy:) ...nobody can enter in to diplomatic enclave ,this whole area is secure by army official ,police,rangers and private security gards ,and they do have there own personal security Even some time Indian diplomats complain to security officials , that they need some space 24 hrs security makes them UN-comfortable and Indian diplomats are dealing every pakistani when they viste Indian high commission o Indians so stop these kind of stupid statement ,Indians just trying to pressurize Pakistani Gov ...sooo indians Plzzz stop
@PaKhtoon: serving in world's most dangerous and failed nation demands extra security
@Nitish: "In other word door to inida will be closed for pakistan….i dont think anyone from your country will agree with you." I can only laugh on you seriously....u might be commenting from your slum
Let them go back if they are so scared !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Aftab Baloch:Close the Embassy and go on vacation.. Common!!! We have no problem at all as there is hardly any hindu left in pakistan.....But think about your muslim brothers who have families across the border.........Also your leaders r dieing day and night for indian visa......We closed the embassy, there goes India-pak cricket series ,trade,visa for cricket fans or for that matter any pakistanis,people to people contact....In other word door to inida will be closed for pakistan....i dont think anyone from your country will agree with you. Moreover I want indian embassy to be closed permanently ....why?We dont want you in india....
We should be sensitive our peace process has just started should not let some fanatic derail it
Close the Embassy and go on vacation.. Common!!!
The request should be complied ipso facto!