Indian forces engaged in unprovoked fire and shelling at the Chaprar sector of Sialkot on Thursday while Chenab Rangers fired in retaliation, Express News reported, whereas according to a Times of India report, an Indian official claims it was Pakistan that resorted to unprovoked firing, killing the BSF trooper.
The report also says that Pakistani Rangers initiated the attack on Thursday night.
"This was one of the heaviest instances of firing by Pakistani Rangers since the ceasefire was agreed to by India and Pakistan in November 2003," Times of India quoted a BSF official.
"BSF returned the fire to silence Pakistani guns but they (Pakistan Rangers) opened fire in adjoining areas too."
An Express News correspondent confirmed the firing and shelling and said that the injured man was in critical condition.
Rangers also cordoned off the area and directed people towards different routes.
According to local reports, a similar attack had been initiated on August 15 and one mortar had been fired the previous day as well.
Last month, one woman was killed in a similar incident in the same Chaprar sector and this has been reported as a “routine practice” of the Indian forces.
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@Gratgy: @Aryabhat: There is some indication that people are getting to Petticoat Singh. There was no mention of Pakistan in this year's Independence Day address unlike the usual inanities like "we cannot change neighours" in his earlier addresses.
Think logically. Why would India start a firefight and a soldier will die on the Indian side?
Only when the firing was surprise attack from the Pakistan side this would happen.
Also, Pakistan has been providing cover fire for Terrorists since the 1990s. Winter is near and usually at this time of the year Pakistani Military tries to force as many people as possible across the LoC.
Why would India provoke a fire, apparently without its soldiers under cover?
Obviously the Indian version is correct. Use your power of deduction for a change.
Hi All; Just visited the firing site. Heavily cordoned off. Lots of bullet marks. Saw the BSF moving in Kords and NSK
To all my Pakistani brethren, Does the identity of being a Pakistani news-agency make it compulsory for ET to publish ONLY the 'perceived' pakistani Point-of-view OR does ET have the 4th-estate right to pursue the truth? As they say-the first casualty of war is Truth.Could it be then that Pakistan has been at covert war for so long now that the truth doesn't really matter? Psychology students the world over will have interesting case studies at hand when they want to study mass schizophrenia in the coming centuries of the second millenia.
@Enlightened...was ET or any other media outlet sitting on the border to witness the truth... An indian soldier has been killed so your media and army will point fingers towards Pakistan. But in fact indian army started it first, now face the consequences.
Bye bye CBMs and all so called measures taken by political govts for atleast 5-6 years. Sialkot stalions you will also need to stay at home and watch CL on TV. that is normal cycle in Pakistan / India bilateral relations
@Humayun, thanks for stating the actual facts:)
@Enlightened: This is one of the English dailies that never publishes the truth. All they do is spit poison against Pakistan. They try to twist the facts and language to make it sound anti-Pakistan. I hope they are banned by PEMRA.
Express Tribune is an Indian newspaper? I was under the impression that it was an American newspaper.
Manmohan Singh should go to Pakistan and stay there permanently. He is useless in India anyway.
When will PEMRA ban pro-India newspapers like ET? It's a shame that organization like ET are thriving on Pakistani soil. They make money from Pakistani sources (advertisements etc.) and spout poison against Pakistan. They fail to report any truth against India which means they either accept money from India or are incompetent.
No matter what India does through its hired media in Pakistan, we will survive.
Shame upon India on firing on Pakistani civilian. Well done Pakistan army for the appropriate reply.
@M. I. Aslam: There are only a few English dailies including ET in Pakistan who have courage to publish the truth and not indulging in yellow journalism.
Now India is asking for apology from Pakistan and all transport trucks at Wagah check post are blocked. Its time to replay Salallah check post on the other border.
For a moment i thought i was reading an Indian Newspaper !! Whoops its our ET.
Dead body of Indian soldier should be enough for the Indian PM to cancel his planned visit if any "Ghairat" is left in him!
Express Tribune as like many other Indian papers failed to mention here that prior to this incident about two days ago Pakistan Rangers complained about un-provoked firing by India and at that time like other Indian News Media ET also failed to take notice. Now when a BSF trooper is dead every Indian New Media Outlet was quick to pin it on Pakistan that they fired first and ET.pk (Extra Terrestrial for Pakistan) came in to endorse that view.
Let games begin! So now we have Ban Ki-moon who BTW had nothing to say for Burma killings and now Indians crap! Well no wonder it's time to gear up for conspiracy theories to come true!
Pls hold fire. We are not enemies. Its the corrupt elite on both sides.
Everybody knows Paki troops fire to cover up the infiltrators . So, Paki troops have a reason , I would say . But Indian troops don't have a reason. After all Why should Indian troops fire when they have already measured their power in last four wars.But the sad thing is that none of the two media can know who started it.
Now Who believes that Pakistan opened fire first ?? No One ..Indians must have gone hey wire in their independence day celebrations ...and thought they should have a go at Pakistan as well when their trained men trying to get into kamra ... But Got the Relevant treatment !!
All Indian websites say its started by Pakistanis so do says ET ..... where as Pakistan Rangers says its other way round so ET why don't you shift to India and at least you ll not need to extent covert support of your masters
ET unofficially owned by India!
India upto her old antics again.
I am reading the story on an Indian website
@Asad: Yup, that's ET alright. Always publishing the Indian side, or the ISAF/ANA side of the story first withouth checking for facts with the ISPR.
Typical back stabber........
Indian backed TTP terrorists attacked Pakistani Airbase a night before so it must be Pakistani soldiers trying to take revenge from border security personnel -LOL
@Asad...thts exactly what i was thinking
Leave to ET to publish detailed account of the indian side of the story yet no official account of Pakistani side of what happened. Really messed up.