Pakistan celebrates National Minority Day

Events, seminars, social gatherings arranged to highlight contribution of minorities in Pakistan's creation.

August 11, 2012
Pakistan celebrates National Minority Day

ISLAMABAD: The National Minority Day was celebrated in Pakistan on Saturday to highlight the contribution, services and sacrifices made by the minority communities in the creation of Pakistan and in nation building.

Several events, seminars and social gatherings were arranged across the country by members of various religious minorities as well as the Ministry of National Harmony.

Minister In-charge for National Harmony Dr Paul Bhatti issued a message saying, “The day we celebrate every year on August 11, recalls the vision of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah with reference to his speech and the contribution of non-Muslim communities to Pakistan.”

“The celebration of Minority Day provides us with an opportunity to re-assure that despite belonging to different faiths we are one nation that continues to march for a united and prosperous Pakistan,” he said adding that the commendable service of religious minorities, along with Muslims, is a glorious chapter in the history of the independence movement of Pakistan.

The minister added that the religious minorities in the country have given a considerable contribution to different fields in the society including health, education, defence and social welfare.

He further urged all religious communities to stay united and to promote interfaith harmony, creating unity, peace, equity and justice in the society.


andleeb | 11 years ago | Reply

Please read Quaid-e-Azam's speech. Muslims cannot live in peace with non-muslims. That is why Pakistan was created. Pakistan is for muslims. Others can go back to India, we dont need them. Even here in Canada we would prefer if non-muslims were thrown out. Insha Allah, Canada and Europe will be Islamic soon.

Raj - USA | 11 years ago | Reply

@Pungi: Muslims do not share the same table with minorities even in restaurants. Minorities are served, in separate plates and glass reserved for non-muslims in every home. Aisa Bibi is still in prison because she took water from the same well used by Muslims. Above all ET cannot find a picture of Minority celebrating Minority day and all they could come up is with religious symbols of minorities on a blank sheet. Hard to find minority in Pakistan today !!!!!!!

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