Young Doctors' strike enters ninth day

Inconvenienced patients are being forced to turn to private hospitals.

Web Desk June 26, 2012
Young Doctors' strike enters ninth day

PUNJAB: In Punjab, the young doctors' strike against the system structure continues on day nine, Express News reported on Tuesday.

As a result of the strikes, patients in government hospitals are deprived of medical treatment and are forced to turn to private hospitals.

In Faisalabad, work has been completely shut down in the OPD of many hospitals including the Allied hospital, Civil hospital and Cardiology Centre.

Even in various other areas of Punjab, the patients are highly inconvenienced by the strike.

The disturbed patients also protested against being deprived of medical facilities.


ovais | 11 years ago | Reply those supporting governments agenda against doctors, i hope they are quite happy with these politicians who rob them openly , live a luxurious life and are responsible of destroying whole country. i ask people one simple question where were you all when doctors were pretesting peacefull performing full duty. i bet no one asked govt to fullfill our demands then thats why we had to take this extreme step . still emergencies are open.
ovais | 11 years ago | Reply

agree with asma. fact is that punjab govt is the real culprit for all this situation. YDA has protested peacefully for years but no body listened so its the last step they had to take. if govt cares so much about the people why dont they agree to reasonable doctors demands and solve this matter once and all. its like you dont give employs their pay and when they protest you say they are doing wrong without solving the real issues. more over punjab govt is spreading false rumours and lies through media saying that doctors get 70000 pay and double than similar rank officers in other fields, fact is completely opposite. doctors get 43000 pay for 17 grade medical officers and that is half of similar ranked judge or police officer.

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