To say that Pakistani siren Veena Malik has made it big in Bollywood, would be an understatement. The actor who is being swamped with offers one after the other, says that even though she is a public figure, her personal life and the people in it are not to be discussed with the media. Malik adds that she is in a relationship but she does not want to divulge any details because the last time she did that, her “life was in a mess”, according to a Times Of India report.
Much to her dismay, her infamous love life has been fodder for tabloids for too long. However, this time around Malik says she is not taking any chances with her love life. “My personal life was chaotic and kind of a mess. But now it’s completely settled. There is someone who takes care of me but this time I’d like to keep it a hush-hush thing. I’m the kind of person who can’t live alone. I am such a spoilt brat I need somebody to take care of me all the time. I was single for five to six months for the first time in my life when ‘Swayamvar’ was happening. For me, staying single for such a long time is impossible,” she says.
Malik was supposed to marry, or at least get engaged, on the fourth season of “Swayamvar” but the channel shut down. However, she remains hopeful because, “The makers are in talks and are negotiating with various channels. It may happen.”
Malik is not concerned about the shelving of her TV show as she is extremely excited about her upcoming film which is the Kannada version of Vidya Balan starrer The Dirty Picture. The promo of the film has tried to recreate the magic created by Marilyn Monroe in her movie The Seven Year Itch, in which Monroe tries to stop her dress from billowing in the air. Malik, who is seen wearing a rather gawky blonde wig and a not-so-impressive red dress, will stand ape that oomphy pose.
Published In The Express Tribune, June 15th, 2012.
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What "made big", she does not belong to mainstream bollywood. Whatever she has been offered roles are in B and C movies and some item songs. She is not the heroine of Metropolis and multiplexes.
I think she is planning to marry a hindu just to spite us.
It is great reading how Veena Malik is able to garner such response from those who are her fans and those that despise her some of the tirade is carried over to Express Tribune. Do we forget they report the news not make it they do not need a Fatwa or kudos to publish Veen Malik happenings. They report you decide well in this case some of you protest then spin in hope of denying the fact that every time you see the name Veena your mouse bounces and you click because love or not like her your mind is curious what antics she is up to!
Go Beena go and conquer India that Pakistani army with five hundred thousand men couldn't do.You are one man army!
"For me, staying single for such a long time is impossible,”
we all know what that means.... you dirty little girl ;)
ET,Who gave you a Fatwa that posting everything related to Veena Malik is obligatory?
Good luck in Bollywood, Veena ! Enjoy your life and be happy. Please ignore the perverse comments of some people. Actually they are jealous..
Veena has never been single, she's firmly hitched to Express Tribune. Beautiful couple !!
With due respect all MALIKs are looking dangerous..Rehman malik..Riaz malik..NOW Veena malik..:)
Seriously !!!
"To say that Pakistani siren Veena Malik has made it big in Bollywood, would be an understatement."
Really? She has not had ONE hit as a heroine. On what basis did you reach that conclusion?
I am sure Veena can find a suitable male in a nation of 500 million+ males for herself...I think she is the kind of lady who likes to keep her options open.
rubbish news
Immorality & Immodesty...plz post my comment.
"Noam Chomsky, one of the most respected political analyst and activist, in his book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media analysed media's role in democratic societies in shaping opinions and perception of public- in the interest of influential corporations and political parties. We have to realise Media groups are NOT non profit social service organisations. Media Groups are businesses, and at the end of the day all that matters are profits. That is why and how they exist. And therefore they will protect interests of those who bring in the most profits - and in their case these are the large corporations, political parties with big pockets and secret agencies - both local and foreign - distributing their funds."
Those who defend Immorality & Immodesty have already been changed in terms of their opinion & perception.
I am pretty sure that this news will get more than 500 likes on facebook and more than 50 twitter updates instantly but other news with importance or with some social perspective does not appeal Pakistani public at all . Also the hype these types of news creates actually tell us that what Priorities Our Public have in general and also allure us to the fact that why we are a developing nation and we will remain a developing nation with this type of Tharki Attitude.. .