The suicide bomber targeted the vehicle in which Khan was traveling while he was on a routine check, Deputy Superintendent of Police Rahim Shah told The Express Tribune. “I rushed to the site as soon as I heard the blast. The bomber had struck the side of the car where Khan was seated,” he said.
Initial investigations revealed that the bomber was on foot and was hidden behind a tree. Senior Superintendent of Police Investigation, Omar Riaz told The Express Tribune that it seemed the attackers had planned their strategy and knew exactly about Khan’s routine.
He added that possibly there was speed breaker where the police vehicle had to slow down.
District Coordination Officer (DCO) Sairaj Khan who spoke to the media confirmed that it was suicide attack and said that there were about six kg of explosives used to carry out the attack.
An official of the Bomb Disposal Squad told The Express Tribune that the body parts of the suicide bomber had been recovered from the explosion site and that further investigations were underway.
Sources from the hospital said that three of the injured who were shifted to Hayatabad Medical Complex (HMC) were identified as Basher, Liaquat and Hidayat, while two injured Zeeshan and Johar were brought to the Khyber Teaching Hospital (KTH).
Two of the injured traveling with Khan had sustained serious injuries.
Khan was serving as the SP for the rural areas of Peshawar and had been a part of many operations against militants, particularly at a time when the areas of Peshawar close to the tribal belt had once again became a breeding ground of the militants. So far, no one has claimed responsibility for the attack.
Khan’s funeral will be offered at the Police Line in Peshawar today.
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May Allah rest his soul in peace.....Ameen
inna ilay hi raji un kalamkhan shaheed
Kalam Khan Shaheed worked for the major part of his life in Swat. He was known all over the district for his honesty, uprightness and hard work. I had one interaction with him when I was renewing my driving license. I still remember that before signing my renewal application he asked me what you will do before starting your car. I wasn't expecting any question from him so I replied in a haste that I will check water level and engine oil level. He smiled and said no you will make a round trip of your car and will check the tyres first. Also the same day I saw how he made the new drivers remember the road signs and rules by heart and then every one would have an oral test in it. and many more famous stories as was Malak Saad famous for.
RIP brother...who knows what secrets are vanished with you:(
Another suicide attack, another teenage bomber kills a police hero and injures scores of innocent civilians. Our condolences go out to the family of Superintendent of Police, Kalam Khan. Is it not sad that teenage kids are brainwashed into becoming human bombs? Shouldn’t these kids be with their families and in school but they are being trained to kill innocent citizens? Is it not time to say enough is enough and time to stop these senseless killings of innocent Pakistanis whether they are ordinary citizens or under-age suicide bombers?
The terrorists have realized that they have nowhere to go and in their desperation they are stepping-up their attacks on innocent people without any remorse. We need to give these terrorists no leeway and go after them with full force. We need to get back to the basics and step up our cooperation on both sides of the borders so we give no breathing room to the terrorists. That is the only way we can save children from becoming suicide bombers and innocents being killed with such impunity.
Maj David Nevers DET-United States Central Command www.centcom.mil/ur
May Allah grant you the best place in Heaven. We salute you for laying your life in the line of duty. We pray you are remembered for your sacrifice and may Allah give us the strength and courage to follow in your footsteps.
I knew the officer personally; a honest, hard working and deeply religious person. I am now working abroad with UN. Whenever he would meet me, he would question why I am on deputation and not working for the motherland in this tough time. May Allah rest his soul in peace.
High Ranking ranking Police officer have died only In KPK , and none in Other Provinces I recomend a Red piping or some ghazi ya shaheed badge in the uniform of KPK Police to Distinguish it from the other police force n the country as One IG , two DIG , three SP have died while no such high ranking officer have died anywhere else in Pakistan
Salute to KPK Police who suffered such sustained losses in this war yet they stood bravely to these barbarians.Had it been police from an other province,they would have fallen apart by such brutalities.Salute again to bravery of KPK Police.
Rest in peace Mr Khan.
May God give his family the strength to bear this loss. To all those who have expressed sadness at this event, you have to join together to bring change and sanity to Pakistan. People like Imran khan are playing to the religious gallery just to get voted into power. And that is a very dangerous thing for your country. He will formalize the return of the dreaded talibs into Pakistan. I am certain the sane people in Pakistan don't want that and neither does the world. We just want a normal healthy Pakistan. Everything else will fall into place.
I strongly protest to the world 'dies' by ET Please use "shaheed"
Will anyone do something similar for police ? http://e.jang.com.pk/03-15-2012/karachi/pic.asp?picname=1012.gif
And the response from difa e Pakistan is... (sound of crickets chirping)
Another brave man falls.
Another brave martyr from KPK Police force. Innalillah-e-wainna ilehe rajioon, We strongly condemn suicide and demand strict action against terrorists in FATA and Pakistan
Another brave martyr from KPK Police force. Innalillah-e-wainna ilehe rajioon
What a sad news and what a great loss.
May Allah grant you Janat for protecting the interests of Pakistanis.....
Going on repeating inna lillahi by both terrorists and people. There is no different voice. We are one in minds but different in deeds.
So the "Demolition Squad" strikes back or is made to strike back.!!!!
Crush all terrorists NOW!!! From Karachi to KPK, spare no Talib alive!! Enough is enough!!
May Allah give him the highest place in Jannah and his family the sabr to bear this loss. Khan sahib is a shaheed and doesnt probably even need our prayers. We on the other hand desparetely need people like him to rid our society of menace.
We as a society need to lose our support for violence in general especially that done in the name of a religion which doesnt teach us this.
Hopefully PAK understands, at least now why these guys are a menace to the society on both sides of the border.
And yet another Poor pakhtun Gone for the deep state
And yes, now Imran Khan and his fans should be dancing and singing "This is NOT our War, This is NOT our War". But, look how his brothers-in-faith and ideology are killing Pukhtuns with such impunity! Shame!
Now lets do the the "Pakistani thing" and start negotiating with these barbarians and attending their extremist rallies - Pakistan truly has become a pathetic nation
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون May God bless the departed soul of Mr Kalam Khan, a devoted Police Officer who laid his life in line of duty. May God’s wrath clutch these so called self professed “righteous”. These terrorists if caught will soon be "acquitted honorably" by the independent judiciary for "lack of evidence".
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un.
More death and destruction caused by religion.Separation of mosque and state is urgently required in our country.
Speechless over another loss!! Long Live MotherLand!
Rest in peace officer. May Allah grant your Jannah!
IInna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un انا لله وانا اليه راجعون "We belong to Allah and to Him we return.”
RIP,SP kalam khan..you must have been doing something very right to invoke the wrath of enemies of Pakistan...thank you, Sir.