Dar announced the decision at a press conference at Lahore Press Club and was accompanied by Rana Usama, the head of Tehreek-i-Insaf (Awami), and other members of the party.
He said that Pakistanis, particularly the new generation, saw the PTI as a symbol of positive change, but after the rally in Lahore it had been converted into a party of “Makhdooms, Legharis, Waderas, looters, turncoats and timeservers.”
Dar said that the people could not be fooled anymore and added that those quoting examples of Bhutto winning elections even if a party ticket was awarded to a tree would see that this will be false in the case of Imran Khan.
He said that the nation had woken up and was conscious because of a fast growing media.
Leveling serious allegation against Imran Khan, he said that he had become a tool of the land mafia, drug mafia and the Jewish lobby.
Dar said that Khan’s children and properties were abroad and questioned why he would bring a revolution.
Rana Usama said that the real committed activists of the party had been pushed back and announced that conventions will be held from February 20 across the country.
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We cannot vote for the Puppet Leaders like IMRAN KHAN. He has gathered some leaders who are rejected by the people of Pakistan. IMRAN Khan does not speak the truth about himself.He says to others that they should show their assets but he himself has not shown his actual assests. He is exposed by the PML N Leaders and he is not facing PML N leaders more. He has no qualities of leadership. We want true leaders not such leaders who just arrange musical concerts instead of political procession.
@Babar Cyprus: That statement is debatable. It is normally the educated lot that moans the most.
@Ashar: My opinion was not directed for your Leader. Education is not pessimism it's actually the opposite.
@Khi2Kpk: Please keep your pessimism to yourself and allow the rest of us the audacity of hope. I have never been this keenly involved in Pakistan's politics as I am right now and for this I can only thank Imran Khan.
Fellow Pakis! Ask your favourite leaders to show you their 10 point menifesto that they will follow and hold on to after they get to Power. Just to make sure they are not taking you for another "Ride in the Park" of the "Green Gardens". This is the time to ask them! Once they get into the "Comfortable Chair" they will treat you like any other past ruler. Because there are not many true plans out there, except ofcourse renaming the old plans as their "New Plan". The Fact is the Resources and the Keys to bright future are limited. What magic are they going to play for you that no was able to do before even after gaining the majority in National Assembly. Good Luck friends.
Ironic that people people criticizing PTI for a lack of vision yet have never bothered to ask PML or PPP about their manifesto. Then again, according to the president, 80% of the PPP's manifesto has been completed. God help us if he should manage to complete the remaining 20% :)
@Akhtar: he has explained it the british court granted custody to mom. his children has nothing to do with PTI.
end of story.
IK once said if someone was in his part for personal gains he was in a wrong party...Better he has left...PTI will introduce a competent team We all PTI fans have complete faith in our leader IK...
Yes pilitics in Pak is very messy, without these wadairas and peers its difficult to change the system. PTI needs Zardari as well.
So sad. PTI supporters don't know who Dar is? He was a member of PTI CEC.
stupid why u r using pti name ?...make ur own party?okay....mr pti?
These guys had their chance to do something for their country and they blew it. I support IK not because i love him or expect some favor but i expect a better sovereign Pakistan.
These people are mad, Pakistani politics is too mesy, if we start comparing leaders in black and white , then not a single leader in Pakistan can bring any positive change, i think it is about time that Imran needs to be given a chance, if he does not perform do not vote for him,but it is much better to vote for him rather than other parties.
Leaders bring the revolution not people@yasir:
Good job, Dar, ab daro mat! On the serious note, does it make any difference? Imran's party is devoid of any ideological and philosophical base. To say PTI would do good things is just to global and populist, it does not guarantee anything positive automatically to the country. Imran was a looking playboy of yesteryear and still has little bit that personal charisma, he is yet to articulate any real policy on economy, education and other pressing issues Pakistan is facing today. He says he wants to turn Pakistan into a welfare Islamic state, what is that, an elephant or a zebra no one knows unless he articulates what it really means. The whole tamasha what Pakistani media names as tsumani will not be more than water bubble unless workable and philosophy, no matter how radical they are, are spelled out.
Akhtar Iqbal Dar was no old member. He got membership of PTI in 2010. I dont think that it would make a difference except that he will a distraction for others.
Thats why he is the one in support of eligibility of dual-nationality holders for political offices.
Ha ha! Yes! Why Not! Probabaly there are more than one who Imran khan consulted with about his ambition for Pakistani Poors and the sick masses. I never thought the line "distribution of power" could mean "many wire from the same plug, ha ha". Or did it mean every body bring their empty bowls to the supposedly "Power Langar". There must be tons of ambition in common folks to row the boat. So much love to serve the people that a million parties could be little.
Certainly the present PTI can be called as Musharraf league...
You are all either blind or maybe born yesterday I agree with the guy if the same face come with Imran Khan then that is the end of this tide of hope as well like all the previous ones before it. The nation now has a history of events thats raise hopes and then turn out to be utter disapointments. PTI doesnt need people like Shah Mehmood Qureshi sorry dont agree with that he is an idiot.
This is a pretty lame move. Seems like Mr. Dar has selfish interests and no interest for Pakistan. IK has no property abroad and has declared all his assets. His children are abroad because the British law states the children are to be with the mother till the age of 18. It's not like IK is forcing his children to stay there. These are very weak arguments from Mr. Dar and his action today will only make him lose importance and he will regret it later on.
I think it is done by PPP and PML N
Not too surprised, I can foresee more to come!!!!
This is nothing new. People have been leaving PTI since 1996. People keep coming and leaving. The only difference is that no one would care about PTI and its members before but now, as the party has become the most popular party of Pakistan and status quo is scared of it, now every trivial thing about PTI makes a big news. Don't worries PTI supporters. This is nothing new.
@Nabeel: how many genuine PTI leaders u know of except for Imran Khan?
You should rename it PTI (Haqiqi). What a great idea. NOT
PTI fan club, don't be emotional, it's just start....
Hahahaha..God I can't stop laughing.
Such a nonsense argument, go learn something before write, his child is abroad because of diverse and according to British law child lives with her mother, got it@Akhtar:
I am not surprised. PTI have compromised on their stance again and again. They cannot sustain themselves in the corrupt political arena in Pakistan without the support of the feudal lords. If they want to bring revolutionary change then they should not stand in elections instead they should work outside of the system. Joining hands with the corrupt politicians will bring no change. Lastly, leading a nation is very different to leading a cricket team. It naive to think that the foreign powers and the internal players will allow anyone to stabilise Pakistan through elections.
This was foretold. The way things are going pretty soon even Imran Khan would need his own faction of PTI, away from the elephants that he has let into the fold of PTI.
Now this is ridiculus....how can u form a new version in a political party whom you were once already a part of????? KHAN is not inviting any one,people are free to leave or become the members of the party.However Dar sahaab you are requested to be part of real Tehreek e insaf again and let KHAN to announce important positions of the party i am sure he will not dissapoint you because the man him self believes in quality not quantity...hence he will consider you in an important place.
There is no PTI without Imran Khan.. We love Imran Khan , We vote for Imran Khan !!! :)
this guy is so famous that they could not even find a picture of him along with this article.
Some of there concerns maybe right .. but happens .. I wish these guys the best. But that doesnt change my loyalty to Khan and his Tehreek.
These people were disciplined and expelled from the party about a year ago for violence committed by them during a meeting in Lahore in the presence of Mr Imran Khan. A committee was established to investigate the issue which recommended their removal
Yours Sincerely,
Dr Arif Alvi
Secretary General
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
PTI-N (Nazriati), PTI-A (Awami), PTI-I (Imran).... Imran you were right, Saunami is coming but you were not aware that you are surrounded by it :) I am proud that I have never been your supporter :) You are just like others, no different!
For all those claiming to have never heard of Dar. Well we all knew pti was a one man band who could only get into power from the landowners, industrialists and implicit army support. This is why the problem isn't about changing faces but changing system. Inshallah a change to the khilafah rashida.
"PTI Nazriati (Ideological) on Wednesday. Dar said that he along with other veteran activists of the party were being ignored by Imran Khan and had been forced to take this decision because of his attitude."
so what do they expect? should they be made kings? its the cause that matters and not the personal gains!!
I think this is a very good move. In order for the true patriots of a vision to emerge they must be given tests of their mental agility. This test over the last few months have been the attention the new members have been receiving. However no tickets have been given to anyone.
I f you believe in the far sighted , vision and intellect of Imran Khan then you follow him into battle whatever the consequences. It is good that the party workers who lack patience and are driven by greed and self gratification are sifted from the rest of the group. They would in the long run be a bad influence so it's good they are leaving now. Like a cancer exising itself from the healthy body.
Just goes to show how big a party PTI has become just like PML-N and PPP we'll soon have PTI A....Z. Don't worry PTI support its just sign of our size now.
@Pakistan our only HOPE: "opportunist hain nazariyati log kabhi apnay ap ko ignored feel nahin kartay " Javed Hashmi k barey m kya kheyal hae??? wo b to ye hi farma kr pti m gaey haen! umeed hae aap ko samaj aa gaee ho gi. ;)
PTI will disintegrate and disappera without winning any seat.
@Tanxeel: The hard way, you mean just like Javed Hashmi did?
When opportunist of PML Q are joining PTI as they do not see any future in their party, the nazariati people have no chance. Imran want to become PM with favour of few anchors. I welcome formation of Nazariati group.
I was also a fan of PTI and thought once that Mr. Khan is the only hope for a positive change in Pakistan,,,, But now as I look on the team of Khan I am much disappointed and dont expect any positive change from this mixture of corrupt personnel PMLQ and PPP, who are striving for revolution after all looting and corruption. For me who was a big fan of PTI once, at present PTI is just like Bangladesh cricket team Lead by Ricky Ponting and planning to win next ICC world cup .....
PTI needs people like Javed Hashmi and Shah Mahmood Qureshi.Politics in Pakistan is very messy. You need people with experience.Most of the people who are commenting dont even go to vote. Politics in rural areas is very different to the urban areas. Egypt style revolution is not possible in Pakistan because democracy is here the system needs to be changed in order to break this system you have enter inside the system first and then break it so that a new systen can be formed.
yes these people on right. PTI total on wrong track know, today sardar , wadera, lota are the part even all mushraf team is know imran team. how reveloution can become. no never.
@Akhtar- his kids are British citizen because they are under custody of their mother perhaps?!
It had to happen, when the Umer Cheemas and Dr. Alvis become almost invisible and people with under two months membership of PTI are sitting with Imran Khan in the front row and awarded important position without any struggle with the party.
You can just see how Mr.Dar is putting the lame allegations. IK's children were abroad even before the Lahore jalsa and IK has declared all his assets that are in Pakistan.
PTI must act on merit and should not care if someone is with PTI for 15 years or 15 days.
PTI doesnot have any faction ...whoever they are they should have a new name :) opportunist hain nazariyati log kabhi apnay ap ko ignored feel nahin kartay ...yeh agar ingnored feel kar rahay hain tu inn kay maqasid kuch aur hoon gaye :)
Sad state of affairs just shows the justness of Imran Khan
sad to see that people who stood by IK when PTI was taken as a joke would be neglected so soon. Just shows how principled IK is.
PTI Nazariati????? lolz Even the real one don't have any "nazriya", how can the new one has it... :D
Those who fail to comply with PTI policies will drop out for sure, IK said it himself. It doesn't mean that people will start believing dropouts' claims. This is the only thing drop outs can do to harm PTI and IK but people are not dumb *.
If Pakistan matters most for IK,why his kids are British citizens?
Just like Javaid Hashmi!
Please do not blame punjabi or any other person. we all are pakistani.....
He was very much a PTI worker. Please have a look at what he is saying instead of calling him stupid. IK is not an angel. Wake up guys. the phrase leeader ko dekho bus is absurd
we all PTI supporters should take it as a serious matter. this is not a joke. we all should request to Imran Khan to kick all LOTA out of party immediately. please take it serious.....
@F R: its just one word, you have just said three times. DUHHH
@Asif Khan:
Common bro! I am a Punjabi from both of my parents' sides and have been living in Punjab since my birth. I love IK and hate the looters. I have many friends who are Pakhtoons. Therefore, let us not speculate based on the short sighted approach. We all are Pakistanis. This is the common ground and let us capitalize on that :-) Long live Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam and PTI. Good day!!!
@ihtisham: if you notice, they were not kicked by the god, they left - is that too complicated?
@asif khan:
yes,when nothing else works,blame punjabis for everything that goes wrong.
here we go, as expected. the next fraction to break out of PTI will be 1) Javed Hashmi Group 2) PML(Q) Group 3) Shah Mahmood Quershi Group,
and Imran Khan will be left with One Seat once again in the paraliment.
Next Prime Minister, Imran Khan, ROFL
@ihtisham: @Zulfiqar: @Ali: @ahsan:
Be cool "agay agay dekhiay hota hey kia"
A PML-N faction broke away and started calling itself PTI nazriati so they can steal a few of the PTI votes
Stupid Stupid Stupid. Just 3 words for you.
"Leveling serious allegation against Imran Khan, he said that he had become a tool of the land mafia, drug mafia and the Jewish lobby."
We're supposed to take this guy seriously? Please.. next....
Interesting Mr Dar claims to be an original member (about whom no one knows) and has been with the party since the beginning and it is now that he found out that that Imran is involved with "land and drug mafia and also part of jewish lobby"!!!!!!!!! One should atleast try to sound credible even when lying!!!!!!
There will be more factions in the because most leaders of other parties joined the PTI for positons. If they are ignored they will form their faction.
and we started bashing this guy all out, instead of actually trying to understand what made him take this step? Imran Khan is not a God, atleast not for me, and he needs to answer the allegations of veterans. People who have wasted last 15 years with him, hoping to get a chance to revive Pakistan, but sidelined like no-one. Most of you people have been supporting IK for last 3 months, so you won't understand the pain. But you will learn it, the hard way though.
So are these bunch of rejects going to teach Imran Khan 'Nazriat'?
Hahaha. Only Muslim League is a party where factions are effective because of many electables. In party like PTI, MQM, ANP, PPP, JI this theory doesnt work as in PTI its only Imran for which people will vote, without Imran no one vote for PTI. Nobody know these peoples who will vote them.
Its not fair to blame PML-N for this but these peoples are not even active workers what I know.
@Ali: Mate, let's not bring race into. Let's try to be above that.
PTI is an ideological party. All opportunists will be kicked out & idealogists will stay.
speaking language of nawaz sharif. i will keep supporting IMRAN KHAN. he did long struggle and i trust him.i dont even know you Mr Dar.
Never heard "Akhtar Iqbal Dar" before...who is he...?
and when they cant come up on merit, this is what happens then.
inspired by MQM Haqeeqi (Real) ??
Better such person leaves Imran Khan sooner than later. Everybody should remember that Imran Khan has earned this respect after constant struggle and honest philanthropic efforts. Vote is for Imran Khan and not for anyone else
:)...... as the poet would say "hassrat un ghuncho pay...jo bin khilay murjha gaye" :).....they havent yet wona single counsler seat and the breakdown has begun
PTI train has been derailed before it got on the tracks. sad.
Who is this guy???? Hope his family gives him vote if he stands against Imran Khan....
Is Dar really representative of PTI or that of its threatened rivals ( PML-N & PPP) who are deseperately trying to make an inroads into ever-strengthening PTI movement...
Shame on you guys when you put these obligations on IK, He is the only guy I have my full faith and trust on. My Vote is for Imran Khan because I know KAPTAAN had never and will never dissappoint us.
Akhtar Iqbal Dar??? Looks like one Punjab Kashmiri doing favour to other : Mian nawaz Sharif and levelling the same allegation as PML-N official Spokesmen, "Imran khan had become a tool of the land mafia, drug mafia and Jewish lobby". Well done Kashmiri puttars!
the most stupid move ever, i have doubts onyour ral intentions..... we have no shortage of sell outs, proved