Haqqani said he fears that he will be murdered if he steps out of his residence as he has been branded a ‘traitor’ by ‘powerful quarters’ – a clear reference to the ISI. He has been residing at the prime minister’s house in Islamabad since his return to Pakistan on his resignation as the Ambassador.
He told The Daily Telegraph that he left the prime minister’s house only on three occasions under heavy security escort. Denying all allegations against him in the Memogate scandal, Haqqani termed the issue as ‘psychological warfare’ against the government.
“I’m being called a traitor and an American lackey in the media with the clear encouragement of certain powerful quarters even though I’ve not been charged legally with anything.”
Published in The Express Tribune, January 5th, 2012.
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Long live Hussain Haqqani!
I find everybody who think he's a traitor completely stupid. Only in Pakistan is someone guilty until proven innocent. Everybody who thinks he's guilty obviously has no respect for due process.
only terrorists are safe in pak.....hope this haqani chap is tried per your islamic sahria law..in any case keep him in pakistan..do not send him back to USA..the fewer pakis in US the safer it is
yes he is right ...he might be killed by Mr.Z....by this he can win elections & earn lost respect
Great move Haqqani Sahib! If nothing else, at least the "deep state" will have to think hard before harming you. I don't know who advised you, but you shouldn't have gone back to Pakistan in the first place. Pak HC to the UK seems smarter for excusing himself from following your footsteps on the basis of ill health.
If Haqqani is concerned about his safety, why did he give his current address?
he is More like a Ambassador to USA
If he killed that's would be good no place for CIA agents and spy's....
@Ben Randle: This is the exact attitude why your country is looking up to a former cricketer to lead a country out of multidimensional problems it is facing. Alas for all his sincerity, he does not have the shrewdness to play between the foxes... Find a leader who can stand tall.... Not to convert a cricket captain into a political mascot with magical powers to cure a systematic breakdown of internal defenses..
I personally believe that there is something fishy behind memo gate scandal and we should not be prejudice to conclude. Let us wait and see what brings the judicial commission? A truth or a story fabricated by the invisible hands. The credibility of the whole judiciary will be on stake if masses found any concealing trick. The ones who are behind the memo gate should be treated under the law whoever it may be. If memo turns not to be fake, the culprits should be dealt with iron hands whoever the culprits may be , Haqqani, Zardari, Mansoor, Pasha or Kiyani.
I am surprised to note that everyone is trying to find that whether mono was real or fake and who ordered or wished to write it but no one is analyzing its contents. None is seeing what the mono says. Probably none has courage to ask military if they were ready for quo? Neither Zardari has courage to prove that the contents are right and he can provide evidences.
@Farrah Muldoon: It's the minorities and minority opinions that have to be protected first; otherwise, any subset may be declared a minority by the powers-that-be and refused protection.
If this same diplomat was serving under the military govt nobody should have been dare enough to critizise him leave alone kill him. No surprise that democracy has any roots in pakistan only rule of establishment exists in pakistan not rule of law
Start digging a tunnel and vanish in the darkness of night. They get the rope first and proofs later.
Mr. Haqqani, with due respect, may not be a traitor in the common usage of the term. But he has certainly done something fishy otherwise it makes no sense that he resigned. If he is right he should not have resigned. His resignation is no drama but now he is playing a drama. He should know that this government's days are numbered but national security, Pakistan and ISI are here to stay. He should come clean in front of the courts.
Presumptive justice is the name of the game these days, be it the judges, the establishment, the politicians or the readers of news websites. A sorry state of affairs, indeed.
He could also be killed by PPP, CIA, RAW, MOSSAD to gain sympathisers, to make the case against ISI/ army much more stronger, helping the enemies of "pakistani state" to declare the army/ISI a terrorist organisation. Open ur eyes.. Why just blame the army? Is the army responsible for all the problems the so-called "democratic-dictorial" govt finds itself in?
Being called an american stooge and traitor is a dime a dozen these days. Mr. Haqqani you got nothing to fear.
I believe him, Assassination and political murder is a comman practice in Pakistan politics, Just how many were killed in last five years, even the PM was not spared, He the right to live and the right to defend himself. Innocent till proven guilty.
Biggest beneficiary will be US. Dead men tell no tales and banana republic and its politicians will resume its operations of serving US.
I have seen him many times on television. A highly articulate and intelligent man. He was going a very admirable job considering our very weak bargaining position internationally. No doubt, he was our best diplomat.
Jaisi Karni waisi Bharni (You reap what you sow)
@Usman: Justice? What is that? Where is it available?
He should not have entered Pakistan. Now his fate is in the hands of the string-pullers behind the scene. I hope he has made up his will.
But journalist Shazad, Taseer, Benazir all were beloved sons or daughter of Pakistan...but ??
Feel sorry for HH! This is what we do to outstanding individuals. Country of mediocres. ISI & Army are the only organizations concerned about national security. Have these organization not destroyed the country enough?
@Usman: you're judging Haqqani even before the court has passed its judgement.
best diplomat ! lol indian do you even get anything?
Does the PM offer his residence to anyone who fears for his/her life? If so, he should open it up for every resident of Pakistan. Be fair or be square!
But I thought, cmong from a family of soldiers, death didn't scare you , specially for the motherland!
Please don't---you are my hero.
If any thing happened to Haqqani then who should be held responsible for . CJ or the govt. ?
this is happening to a grade 22 officer . one can think situation of a common man
@Indian: Best diplomat in whose books?
This so called best diplomat should permit BlackBerry to disclose all his BB records to clear his name and put this whole ordeal to rest, if he his hands are clean!
Juram chupta nahin lakh chup jane se...Face the music now or clear your name from allegations
@Indian, your frustration, like that of the Americans, is understandable on Haqqani's plight.
Keeping in view the history, the security establishment (ISI) doesn't consider its duty to protect citizens of Pakistan, quite opposite. He is right to be afraid of.
You are not alone in this Sir, as they say we are all in it together. When a normal Pakistani leaves his house now a days, he always bays final good bye, in case.
Would Honourable Chief Justice will take the notice of these allegations (cannot be called merely as allegations only, since history has proven otherwise), in the same way, as he have taken notice on allegations, in the memo? I think, its a pretty heavy question and one should not be hesitated to ask it.
Is he really a guest of PM ? I think he is being held prisoner so that he does not spill the beans ! Why was he not available to his lawyer AJ ? The SC had to order to bring him to meet AJ .
Nice ploy by Haqqani, but it will not work. How about you come clean about your involvement in the memo and then let justice take it's course.