Shortly after it was officially announced that Prime minister Yousaf Raza Gilani had accepted Haqqani’s resignation.
People across Twitter remained divided over the resignation, with some praising the ambassador even as other attacked him for his involvement in memogate.
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PM says Haqqani's resignation important to carry out immediate and independent inquiry
Haqqani has resigned and done the right thing!
If the govt thinks this will end with HH's resignation, they are mistaken. The khakis don't stop at the easiest way out.
Haqqani says I offered my resignation. PM spox says he was asked to resign. Typical Pakistani pettiness or a sign of something more ominous?
Saddened to hear of @husainhaqqani s resignation. He is one of the finest people to have ever represented us in an international forum
Dear PPP, this is what happens when you waste the opportunities to make these generals accountable for their incompetence.
@husainhaqqani I'm afraid it's checkmate on this one. Your enthusiasm indicates matter was amicably resolved, which is good for Pakistan.
Pakistan has lost its best ambassador. Thank you for the services & good luck to you for future endeavours @HussainHaqqani
Some in Pakistan can't/won't appreciate all he did 4 his country. Husain Haqqani resigns as Pakistan's Ambassador 2 US http://t.co/vjptLmgX
Amb Haqqani needs to watch @ShomanMansoor 's Bol and gain inspiration from Humaima Malick's character . speak out & make a full disclosure
What he was alleged to do is a fireable offense. No one can argue. Now, whether he is guilty or not, I don't know. But neither do you.
Bros before memos
jeremyscahill jeremy scahill
oh snap! RT @attackerman Husain Haqqani #stuffwhitepeoplelike
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