However, he refrained from divulging any more details as he spoke to reporters in Rawalpindi.
A leading British newspaper The Sunday Times had claimed that PTI chief Imran recently met Munter in the presence of ISI chief Pasha – a report strongly denied by the military as well as the PTI.
Munter also distanced himself from the
Memogate scandal and said that it was Pakistan’s internal issue, but if requested he will help out with the inquiry.
However, he sought to dispel the impression that the scandal could affect the relations between Pakistan and the US.
Published in The Express Tribune, November 23rd, 2011.
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@maryam: PTI has already issued a notice to the sunday times. plz update ur recoed.
what is this hypocrisy by Imran Khan? He has been blaming the US for all of our troubles for the past 10 years and not meets their Ambassador in private? To discuss what? that he will do his best to appease the US if elected?
@ad'del: But People like me, "who have bad intentions about IK", can only be silenced if IK goes to sue the Sunday Times in a law court and win it. Otherwise I and people like me will only roar!
I am amazed at selective disregard of the facts by some people here:
a) When Nawaz and Sana Bucha implied IK knew about Haqqani through ISI/Army/US..everyone who wanted to believe believed it. b) When Sunday Times reported meeting took place...everyone who wanted to believe believed it. c) When ISPR denied....everyone who believed above two (a and b) did not want to believe now..:) d) When PTI denied......everyone who believed above two (a and b) did not want to believe now..:) e) When Munter denied.....everyone who believed above two (a and b) did not want to believe now..:)
They want to believe who wear burqa and meet Generals at GHQ, and meet US Ambassadors in private and give this statement:
“Nisar avoided saying that PML-N opposed either air attacks or US ground action. What he did say was that the PML-N would have to criticise the GOP (government of Pakistan) for allowing US action. Otherwise, said Nisar, the party would have no credibility with the people. He called for more transparency about US policy and actions saying that confusion bred unhelpful conspiracy theories.” (refer above below to get more details)
US embassy cables: Nawaz Sharif reinforces 'pro-American' position: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-embassy-cables-documents/139676
Ambassador's Meeting With Nawaz Sharif http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=07ISLAMABAD5138
Maybe Munter said that deliberately to keep Imran Khan out of the spot light.
If Hussain Haqqani denies his role in memo gate he is liar and if IK denies and then ambassador acknowledges IK remains kosher.., Why?
@Maryam: Whats with the bias rhetoric? U speak as if God has blessed u with all political knowledge lol You are quick to judge a man whos past record speaks for itself, and then u go on to say give your "justified" claim that if he doesnt go to court u will believe he is in cahoots with the ISI...wow! i marvel at how people such as yourself ever could make any logical decisions....Heres a thought...how about u make your decision with the facts u know already instead of trying desperatley to find loopholes in a political party who you have already judged without having check the full background score...I hope u understand this, even if u dont i pray u do so in future. Much love and respect ad'del
@Farooq: And you'll believe who ever speaks against PTI.
It is all playing with words. What difference does it make whether Pasha set up the meeting in his presence or absence or via his office? They both met Munter which is a regular routine of Pakistani military and elites. As long as the army is in the loop all business with the Americans is Kosher.
Mr. Ambassador I trust you because you belongs to a country which always speaks a truth with our nation. So you are so right about the fact. We should trust you blindly specially PTI supporters :)
No doubt, right and acceptable stance has been adopted on this matter.
The fact of the matter is that both met Munter. The meeting has been denied by ISPR & PTI. Its of secondary importance whether they met together or seperately. They should come clean on it. Any how who cares about truth in this land of pure!
The clarification has made the position of Imran Khan quite tenable. There is nothing wrong with PTI chief meeting Munter since US would like to discuss important matters and future coarse of actions as well as know his views on the same with the future PM of Pakistan. US would like to see military, Americans and IK are on the same platform which would facilitate smooth dealing amongst the three and bring stability in Pakistan.
@Saleem: Brother truth is IK is fully backed by ISI and that view s backed by US... So this hiatus is not driven by a ground swell it is constructed in a way to look its a ground swell.... Status quo will not change no matter what you all believe.., wait and see
Ambassadors in every country meet the politicians who matter so i dont see what is this big noise about IK meeting the US one. What is the big deal
@Ahsan: Are you sure... In our country or infact I case of Pakistan a denial means acceptance.
Why was Pasha meeting Munter? Was it in official capacity? Was the proper approval sought? Where are the meeting minutes? Or he thinks he is above the law?
At one side we have Nawaz & Zardari , the two thieves who want to eat up the whole economy. On the other side we have MQM & ANP, the two parties who have stopped thinking about any thing but guns , than we have PML-Q , which will be the back bone of every negative action the govt. takes , & now we have Imran Khan , who, if made the Prime Minister, will act as a middle man between Establishment & implementation of its policies. Wake Up Pakistanis , as there is no option left now , if you need better lives of yoursleves & of others. Pakistan Zindabad
when imran and ISpr denied nobody believed,when munter denied,evrybody is believing.....!why do we degrade our own fellows ?
Munter Sahab! Why shouldn't you wait till your retirement to disclose this just like Mullen did?
Many years ago, when New York Times broke the story about Zardari’s corruption then he and his wife, Benazir Bhutto, was all over New York Times and threatened to sue it. But they never did as they knew the truth and now whole world knows about the truth.
Now that Sunday Times have published a story about Imran Khan and Mr. Pasha meeting with Mr. Munter. Once again there are denials from everyone and Pakistani’s are blaming everyone on political landscape for feeding lies. It is good that Mr. Munter has come out and confirm that he did meet Imran Khan and Mr. Pasha but on separate occasions. I guess we must realize that these stories don’t come out of thin air. Our politicians must learn that media is snooping to find stories about them. But above all ISI must refrain from meddling into Pakistani politics and learn it place and be subservient to civilian government. They are paid to serve rather than pulling stings from the back.
I think if he meet the Ambadassor he sholud disclose the fact himself it will be better. As If supposigngly Imran & his party will get momentum or chance to establish a new govt, stake holders definitly needs some assurance regarding no u turn in foreign policy.
Mr.Munter you should clear it, At least mention the dates of both meetings.Imran is right he gave dates and location both.Imran is now the real threat for statuesque parties that's why there is lot of controversy stories already started against him and more has to come.These all propaganda to misguide pakistani nation who is watching hope in Imran.Imran is a honest leader.We should give him a chance.
Irrespective whether he meet Munter or not .. Whats the big deal about it ?? I dont know why these kinds of news make headlines... that normal everyday process ...
PTI supporters will believe everyone who speaks in their favor .
so what Mr Munter belive should be truth? previously they were denying any meeting, now they say they meet on separate occassion, and may be tommrow they will say they all were under one roof.
Thank you for clearing that up!
So much for that theory. The paper should be sued for libel,PTI is broke these days could sure use the money...
@Ahsan: I agree. Let's please stop swallowing whatever the International media feeds us.
No doubts left anymore. Imran Khan has been accepted by the Establishment and the US as the prospective candidate for PM of Pakistan. I am sure Pasha may have introduced IK to Munter, but then allowed the two to discuss privately the future of the Islamic Republic. IK must have given Munter the necessary assurances. This development should be welcomed as the nation's deliverance from the venal and corrupt politicians who have played Russian roulette with the fate of millions of Pakistanis. This meeting should also make it easier for honest politicians to transition to PTI in the belief that they would be making the new Government. Hip, Hip, Hoorray.
This selective leaks will add more to the confusion, poor HH now became a abandoned child.
Now I think Imran Khan and his PTI should go to the Court of Law (as imran khan did with Ion Botham) to claim damages from the Sunday Times for a false news item. This will not help Imran Khan to clean from the blame but will earn him a lot of money from the said newspaper which can be then used for Shukat Khanum Cancer Hospital of Imran Khan. Or If he did not go to the court then I will believe that Imran Khan did meet Munter facilitated by Pasha.
Thats a start !
Thanks to media Truth is out now. Sunday times should be sued.