CCI approves construction of dam

The Council of Common Interests (CCI) has unanimously approved the construction of the Diamer-Bhasha Dam.

Asim Awan July 18, 2010

The Council of Common Interests (CCI) has unanimously approved the construction of the Diamer-Bhasha Dam. The meeting had been called in accordance with a demand raised by the Asian Development Bank and was chaired by Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani on Sunday at the PM House.

The government had initially sought funding for the dam from the World Bank, which refused after India’s objection that the dam is located in disputed territory. While the ADB agreed to provide funding, it conditioned its willingness on a parliamentary resolution. However, the government promised instead to get the resolution passed by the CCI, a constitutional body representing the four provinces – a proposal the ADB agreed to.

At the meeting, participants were told that on completion in 2019, the Diamer-Bhasha Dam will have a water storage capacity of 6.4 MAF and will produce 4,500 MW of electricity. The council was also told that the project would recover its costs within eight years after it is completed.

After the meeting, Gilani said the resolution reflects national consensus and will send a positive signal regarding the progress and prosperity of the country. The CCI was meeting for the first time since its composition and rules of procedure were modified via the 18th amendment. Among the changes made was one requiring the CCI to meet at least once in 90 days. On Sunday, the council took up five agenda items and approved rules and procedures for itself.

In attendance at the meeting were Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ameer Haider Khan Hoti and Balochistan Chief Minister Nawab Aslam Raisani as well as Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources Naveed Qamar and Minister for Livestock & Dairy Development Mir Humayun Aziz Kurd. The chairman of the 18th amendment implementation committee Raza Rabbani attended the meeting by special invitation.

Rabbani also gave the council a detailed briefing by about the progress made by the implementation committee.

The council also took note of Nepra’s Annual Report 2008-09 and the Statement of Industries Report 2009.  A subcommittee has been tasked with the preparation of a report regarding the functioning of Nepra within the ambit of the constitution. The nominees of the four chief ministers, as well as Qamar, Kurd and Rabbani, are to feature on the subcommittee.

The CCI also discussed the Intellectual Property Organisation’s summary seeking provincial support for the enforcement of intellectual property rights and asked for the summary to be resubmitted after consultation with the provinces and the incorporation of appropriate changes in the law.

Gilani also told the ministry of water & power to develop a scheme for the development of infrastructure to support the early completion of Thar Coal Project.

For the next CCI meeting, the ministry of Railways has been asked to prepare a detailed proposal to make Pakistan Railways a commercially viable entity and the Statistics Division has been asked for a briefing regarding the population census.

Published in Th Exprress Tribune,  July 19th, 2010.


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