CCI likely to pass resolution today

Asim Awan July 18, 2010

ISLAMABAD: The Council of Common Interests (CCI), a constitutional body with the four provincial chief ministers as its members, will meet on Sunday for the first time in the present government’s tenure to pass a resolution in favour of construction of Diamer-Bhasha dam.

The government had approached the World Bank for a loan to build the water reservoir. But the bank has turned down the request, citing India’s objections to the proposed dam. The government then approached the Asian Development Bank (ADB) which said it would provide loan only if the government got a resolution passed by parliament in favour of the dam.

The government said it would get the resolution passed by the CCI. The ADB agreed, hence the CCI meeting today.

The prime minister chairs the CCI and is also representing Punjab in the body. Other members of the CCI are Naveed Qamar, representing Sindh, Arbab Alamgir, representative of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Humayoun Aziz Kurd represents Balochistan in the body. The four chief ministers will also attend the meeting as heads of their respective governments.

The CCI is constitutionally mandated to resolve any differences that may arise between the Centre and the provinces and among the provinces.

In Sunday’s meeting Senator Raza Rabbani will present before the CCI its new rules as adopted under the 18th amendment. The CCI will also discuss the issue of water-sharing between the provinces, especially between Sindh and Punjab.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 18th, 2010.


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