No decision yet to ban PTI, says Ishaq Dar

Any decision in this regard will only be taken after consultation with coalition partners, says deputy PM

News Desk July 16, 2024
Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar. PHOTO: FILE

Deputy Prime Minister Ishaq Dar said on Saturday that no decision has been made regarding the ban on the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, stating that any decision will only be taken after consultation with coalition partners.

Speaking to media at Lahore’s Data Darbar, Dar emphasised that the current economic challenges were not introduced by the incumbent government but were a consequence of previous administrations.

"The economic downslide began with the ousting of Nawaz Sharif, not during our tenure," Dar asserted.

He criticised the PTI's previous government for exacerbating the country's financial instability, alleging that PTI left the economy on the brink of default within six to seven months of their rule and accused them of rigging the 2018 elections to place their leader in power.

Further detailing the economic impact, Dar pointed out that during the PTI's tenure, Pakistan's economic ranking plummeted from 24th to 47th.

"Had the PML-N not stepped in, Pakistan would have defaulted," he claimed, praising Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and his team for averting a financial crisis.

On the topic of PTI's alleged foreign funding, Dar stated that the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) possesses concrete evidence that PTI is a foreign-funded party, and mentioned the May 9th incident, which he described as condemnable, stating that those involved should be duly punished.

As for the potential ban on PTI, Dar reiterated, "No decision has been made yet. We will consult our leadership and coalition partners thoroughly, following the law and constitution, before making any political decision."


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