Protesters demand removal of university VC

Our Correspondent July 10, 2024
Protesters demand removal of university VC


Protests have erupted at Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University, the sole women’s university in Balochistan, with employees demanding the resignation of Vice Chancellor Dr. Sajida Noreen.

The protesters have leveled serious allegations against the VC and the university administration, accusing them of making recruitments in violation of merit.

The demonstrations have led to tightened security measures within the campus. This marks the second wave of protests at the university. Earlier this year, students staged similar demonstrations, highlighting growing unrest within the institution.

“We demand transparency and accountability,” said one of the protesting employees. “The administration must address these allegations and ensure that merit-based hiring practices are followed.”

Tariq was one of the protesters against the VC.

The employees’ protest comes on the heels of mounting frustrations over perceived nepotism and favoritism in the recruitment process. They allege that the administration has failed to uphold the principles of meritocracy, leading to a decline in the quality of education and services provided by the university.

In response to the protests, the university administration has remained tight-lipped, issuing only a brief statement urging calm and assuring that the matter will be looked into.

However, this has done little to placate the protesters, who vow to continue their demonstrations until their demands are met.

Local authorities have increased security presence to prevent any escalation of the situation. The protesters, while adamant about their demands, have maintained a peaceful stance, emphasizing that their primary goal is to ensure the betterment of the university and its community.


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