Prince Harry reportedly having second thoughts about Pat Tillman Award

The Duke is reportedly considering declining the Pat Tillman Award at this week’s ESPYs amid backlash.

Pop Culture & Art July 09, 2024

Prince Harry may decline the Pat Tillman Award for Service at the 2024 ESPYs due to the backlash he has received. 

The Duke of Sussex, 39, is set to be honoured for his military experience and work on the Invictus Games.

The announcement raised many eyebrows, including those of the late hero’s mother, Mary Tillman, who criticised ESPN for not consulting her about the decision. Former royal butler Grant Harrold noted that Harry is considering his options. “It’s interesting that Harry’s nod has ruffled feathers,” Harrold told The Post. “From my point of view, it’s a bit confusing.”

Harrold added that Harry, known for his sensitivity, might decline the award to avoid causing further upset. “He’d never want to cause any upset,” Harrold explained. “If he thinks that it is going to cause upset, then it is quite likely that he could decline the award... because it would affect him hearing about the backlash.”

ESPN defended its decision, stating that Harry’s work on the Invictus Games “is a cause worth celebrating.” Harry served in the British armed forces for 10 years, including two tours in Afghanistan. Harrold emphasised that Harry’s military background and his work with the Invictus Games justified his nomination. “Harry is somebody who has been seen to act in service,” Harrold said. “He’s somebody that has served his country, and he is obviously a senior member of the royal family albeit not a working member.”

However, the ongoing controversy might influence Harry’s decision regarding the acceptance of the award. “Only time will tell how he’ll respond but I’m sure it’s something he’ll be consulting his team and wife Meghan [Markle] about,” Harrold added.


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