Flour mills warned against price manipulation

Our Correspondent June 30, 2024
A worker puts wheat in a machine to make flour at a shop in a Karachi neighbourhood. Photo: Jalal Qureshi/express


Punjab Food Minister Bilal Yasin and Information Minister Azma Bukhari warned on Saturday that strict action would be taken against flour mills involved in price manipulation.

Addressing a news conference, they said the price of flour in Punjab had been reduced by 50% since the government came into power.

The price of roti had dropped from Rs20-25 to Rs12-14 all over Punjab, they added, asserting that there would be no compromise on food quality and prices.

The food minister said the district administrations across Punjab had been directed to take strict action against artificial inflation and hoarding.

“We have a carry-forward stock of 2.3 million tonnes of wheat and Passco’s stock is also available, so we will not let flour prices rise. The food department has a debt of Rs375 billion due to wheat, which we are paying off. For the first time in history, our debt is decreasing in May and June, and we are ensuring payments in time. Wheat worth billions of rupees is available and we are moving towards a loan-free status,” he added.

The ministers said the food authority had discarded large quantities of substandard milk and substandard meat.

They said Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz had given instructions for checking the fruits and teams had been activated to ensure that dangerous chemicals-laced mangoes did not reach the markets.

Information Minister Azma Bukhari said the chief minister was monitoring the relief efforts for the people.

“We have reduced chicken prices from Rs800 to Rs400 and similarly, we are working to make other essential food items affordable for the common man,” she added.


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